Chapter 12: A Small Detail

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"What do you mean they know it's someone else? Jimin paints exactly like me," Juliette replied.

"Well there's one small detail this person picked up on."

Down the hall in the dining room, everyone was continuing to brainstorm what to do about the photo when suddenly they heard Juliette scream "JIMIN" at the top of her lungs with a very angry tone in her voice. Jimin ran to her room and asked what was going on. By now, Juliette had hung up the phone with Valerie.

"Look at this photo, Jimin," Juliette said.

He looked at it and it was one of Juliette's paintings from before she lost her talent.

"You painted that," he pointed out to her.

"Yes I did. Now notice where the date is placed."

"On the bottom right corner."

"Ok, now look at this one."

She showed him a picture of a painting Jimin made after she lost her talent.

"I painted that," he said.

"And where is the date on this painting?"

"On the bottom...left...corner. Oh no..."

"Oh no is right Jimin. Someone noticed this and is now saying I didn't do those paintings even though you paint exactly like me."

"I mean, they're not wrong. You in fact didn't paint those."

Juliette took a deep breath, trying not to lose it.

"This is no time for jokes Jimin. Please focus."

"I don't see how this is a problem. You can reveal you have a soulmate and explain everything. Just don't mention I'm your soulmate and that's it, problem solved."

"Oh yeah and then I have to explain that I've been lying to my followers for a while and you really think they won't ask me to reveal who it is even if I say I want you to remain private?"

"I see the problem now. But how does one small detail change so much?"

"It's a big detail if I've been doing something one way for years and then suddenly stop doing that. You didn't do this just once either Jimin, you've done this in all the paintings you've made for my page. How did Valerie and I never notice?"

"I'm really sorry Juliette. I'm making your life difficult and I don't even know how to fix it."

"No, I should be sorry. I've been a b*tch this whole time and you're just trying to look out for me."

Jimin gently held Juliette's hand.

"We knew this wasn't going to be easy."

"I know, but I also didn't think it would be this difficult."

"If you want to reveal yourself, that should be your decision. I will protect you as best as I can."

"I don't want to do that anymore, I can see why it's too risky. I'll do whatever you guys decide is best for my safety."

"Let's get back to it tomorrow. We should relax for the rest of the night."

Juliette nodded and they chose to watch a movie before heading to bed for a long day ahead of them; and a long day it was...

The morning started like any other with Jin cooking breakfast for all the members and Juliette so they could go to rehearsal. Namjoon suggested watching the news for once to see if there were any updates on the photo going around.

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