Chapter 13: Caught in a Lie

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Since Jimin had agreed to go with Ji-Hoon's plan, everyone helped Jimin seem more natural when telling the story before he hopped on V-Live to explain what was going on (or at least what ARMY would believe to be going on). He was very nervous so they had some words of encouragement to help him out.

"Think of Juliette and protecting her," Namjoon said.

"You will be fine once we back you up on Weverse," Yoongi commented.

"It's like acting in a k-drama," Jin told him, "Easy stuff."

"Thank you for this," Juliette added.

She gently kissed his cheek and that helped him calm his nerves. Everyone exited the room and let him start the V-Live after he took a deep breath.

"Hi ARMY," Jimin commenced, "I know you guys are all in shock that someone was pretending to be me while on stage. I bet you're all wondering why I did that and that's what I'm here to tell you about today."

The others were in the living room while Jimin did his live. They read the comments as Jimin told his story. People so far were confused, as expected, but nobody had seemed angry. In fact, many people felt for him even without knowing what was going on.

"Back in September, I had an injury on live TV and was asked to sit out and only sing during the performances that day. I had overexerted my muscles by rehearsing over time unbeknownst to the other members. Once everyone on the team had been made aware of my injury and I was asked to step out of the spotlight for several months, I knew how much it would affect you all if I was not in the performances with everyone. You all remember when my hyung had surgery and stepped aside for roughly three months right?"

He stopped to look at the comments briefly after he asked his question. Everyone started to say that they remembered the time and they were sad when he stepped out.

"As some of you are saying, you were sad when he had to miss performances and events. I didn't want you all to go through that again. I didn't want to disappoint you guys so I had one of our trainees be me to avoid that. I could still participate in interviews since it didn't require dancing and that's why everything seemed normal. I didn't want you guys to find out so you wouldn't be worried or pity me but alas, someone found out and posted that photo."

He took a few seconds to let what he said sink into the minds of everyone who was watching and avoided reading more comments. The others in the living room were contemplating what to write on their Weverse posts that they would make about an hour or so after he finished.

"I'm truly sorry I lied, but I saw no other way of resting and keeping you all happy. ARMY is my priority as without you guys, I wouldn't be where I'm at. Ji-Hoon, thank you for having helped me and I'm also sorry that I dragged you into this. I hope you can forgive me and understand why I did what I did. I love you ARMY."

He then cut off his V-Live and Juliette ran to his room to give him a big hug.

"Thank you Jimin," she told him as they hugged.

Jimin wrapped his arms around her after receiving the unexpected hug and reciprocated her affection.

"I'd do anything for you Juliette, we're soulmates," he told her.

Juliette pulled back from the hug and sat on his lap. They looked into each other's eyes before Juliette softly kissed him.

"I just hope ARMY believes this and understands," he said when she pulled away from the kiss.

"Me too," she replied, "But I have faith that ARMY is very understanding."

"We'll just have to wait until after the others make their Weverse posts."

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