Chapter 14: Everybody Say No?

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Everyone in the room was shocked at Mr. Bang's question. He kept looking at Juliette expecting an answer but she had no words. Seeing that nobody was saying anything, Mr. Bang asked again.

"Would you like to become an idol?"

"I literally have no words," Juliette replied.

"Juliette, a k-pop idol?" Jimin blurted out, "Now why would you ever think of such a thing?"

Juliette gave Jimin a look that said "Really? You don't think I can do it?"

"She has proven herself to be capable of performing in front of people and being on camera," Mr. Bang praised her, "If she can do that while pretending to be someone else, imagine what she could accomplish while being herself!"

"Thank you, Mr. Bang," Juliette said while throwing shade at Jimin.

"Isn't she too old?" Jimin questioned.

"Excuse me?" Juliette asked, "We are the same age. If I'm too old, you're too old."

"I mean, isn't she too old to debut? The oldest of us to debut was 21. She's 27."

"She's too old to debut in a group, but she can debut as a solo artist," Mr. Bang clarified.

"A solo artist?" Juliette asked with her eyes widened.

"We currently don't have many female trainees at HYBE so putting together a girl group would be difficult. We want to have a female artist on our label since we haven't had any female artists or groups in a long time. Juliette is more than capable of becoming an idol. Besides, with our marketing plan for her, she will be famous and loved in no time."

"Woah, woah, woah. Back it up real quick. You already have a marketing plan for me?"

"Would you like to hear it?"

Everyone nodded and leaned in closer to Mr. Bang.

"We are going to reveal that Juliette is Jimin's soulmate!"

"What?!" everyone said in unison.

"By associating her with Jimin, people will be interested in her simply because she is involved with BTS in some way."

"We just went through hell and back lying to people about Ji-Hoon and a fake injury to protect her and you want us to just reveal that she's my soulmate?!" Jimin asked, a little annoyed.

"I am aware of your efforts but we know this plan will work. Ji-Hoon got popular enough to get into a group because of associating with you so why wouldn't it work with Juliette?"

"Mr. Bang, with all due respect, I don't think I want to become an idol. I only danced to help Jimin while he relearned his skill," Juliette commented.

"It is your decision at the end of the day but I assure you that you will be very successful."

"I will need time to think about it."

Mr. Bang smiled as a response and then excused himself as he was needed back in the office. Everyone watched him leave in silence as Jin escorted him out. Once the door closed, all eyes fell onto Juliette and their gaze felt heavy on her shoulders.

"Noona," Jungkook began, "Are you going to become an idol?"

"Hell to the no!" she replied, "There is no way in a million years that I would become an idol...I think."

"May I ask you, why?" Jin commented.

"I was only comfortable dancing on camera and in front of crowds because I knew it was temporary but I could never do it as a permanent thing. Besides, my passion lies in painting. On top of that, I would never want to abuse the fact that I now can dance like Jimin for my own benefit."

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