Chapter 3 (rewrite)

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Noah went inside seeing Elise staring at him with my arm wrapped around him but i couldn't understand what was going on. Elise came up to Noah where she wanted to embrace him but he refused to.

''Hi, I'm Anya.'' I was introducing myself to her since she doesn't know me but she told me she knows who I am.

''NOAH!'' she stares at him as she shouts his name but he acts like he is deaf so he didn't have to hear her.

''How is your child?'' she asks me

''You know about our child?'' I asked.

''In fact, I know everything that goes on with Noah's life since I thought I was the only greatest love of his life.'' she says .

''Noah, what is she talking about?'' i looked at him but he was not in the mood to speak because he needed to speak to Elise because she was his meeting.

I didn't want to be here so i told Noah i am leaving because I feel left out especially knowing that model was his greatest love of his life. I just knew in moments, Noah would end up in his arms while he left me broken and heart shattered.

Noah told me he will speak to me once he gets to the hotel but i didn't think he was going to give me an explanation since he was standing there just staring at her like she had something on her face when she is nothing but stunning.

I went to the hotel since Noah is busy with his ex-girlfriend and I didn't want to be the reason he gets mad since he looks heated just by seeing her. I was waiting for Noah but he didn't show up until three in the morning but i didn;t want to get on his nerves.

''You are still awake.'' he was shocked to see me awake till three in the morning where I wanted to know what was going on with his facial expression.

''Elise is my ex, Anya.'' He says,

''You could have told me this instead of you giving her an ulgy facial expression.'' i said.

"Anya, she was the one i was going to marry a long time ago but she hurt me and that is why i don't love easily until you.'' he says.

''Do you still think about her?'' I asked. Noah left by telling me he needs to take a shower but i wanted to know unless he is ready to break my heart. I followed him to the bathroom where he told me he doesn't think about her but at first when he got with me, he thought of what she had done to him so he didn't do it to me because he loves me too much.

''Noah. Please don't hurt me.'' I felt sad the moment he told me he loves me too much to hurt me.

I went to sleep while Noah was taking shower where he embraced me, whispering in my ear telling me I'm a beautiful soul who gave him a beautiful soil to remind him each day how much he loves me. I couldn't believe this guy at this moment but I wanted him to hold me close to his heart and don't ever let me go.

I woke up hearing oah voice of someone who sounds awfully familiar. When I got up, I saw it was Elise.

''Elise,what are you here?'' I asked.

''I'm here to speak to your boyfriend about my deal.'' Elise looked at me.

I didn't say anything, I just walked away since i can't take it anymore with Noah. he saw my facial expression so he wanted to talk to me where he asked me if i was okay but i couldn't tell him i am not okay because it's not like he is going to listen to me especially with his ex girlfriend being here in the kitchen watching him cook. I just didn't have time to fight with Noah so I went on my phone to facetime my daughter since she misses me.

''Please talk to me.'' Noah begs.

''I don't know what to say other than to say that your ex girlfriend is in the kitchen having a good time with you when you were supposed to be doing this with me.'' I sound jealous.

''Baby, I told you that there is nothing going on with Elise and I.'' Noah stares at me.

''What do you expect me to say when you are with her in the kitchen cooking food with her?'' I was mad.

''babe , please don't be mad.'' he says. I walked away but he refuses for me to leave the room until we resolve the fight but i feel like this is not going go anywhere.

''Please let me go talk to my sister so I can check on my daughter.'' I said where he didn't want piss me off more so he let me go but he made sure to tell me he would need to talk to me later. I called Molly where she could see i am mad where she was asking me what did Noah did to me but i couldn't tell her but it just came out where i told her Noah ex Elise is a model and she looks better than me where i am afraid he will end up with her since they were this close to being engaged with each other till she hurt him.

Molly was shocked to hear that Noah was almost getting married to someone else, so she was thinking of how Olivia could get in the picture unless he cheated on her.

''This is not the situation, Molly.'' I said,

''I am sorry. Molly was getting back on topic. Then i heard Elise shouting saying she is leaving with Noah since they are trying to rekindle what they left years ago even though he told me she is nothing to him anymore other than Olivia and I. 

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