Chapter 7

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How the hell will I do with a second kid when it already tough for me with Olivia.

Noah did this on purpose since he wanted to leave me with another child.

I was thinking if I should tell my family and Noah family about this baby since I haven't told about the breakup.

I called molly but she was no help when I told about my second child.

She clearly told me I should go to the clinic to tie this in the bud since he was cheater.

But it does not mean I want to keep this baby.

I called Allison to come to my house so we can talk about this baby but I made her promise to not tell let alone Brandon.

She came and saw the pregnancy tests all positive.

I heard a knock and it was Brandon following his sister.

"What are you doing here?" We both asked.

"I know you are having another baby but I promise to not tell either until you are comfortable with it." I hugged brandon for understanding my situation.

"How come you can be sweet like this." I asked him.

"It's because there is a girl who look like you but she is younger and in school but I really like her so you remind me of her." He told me.

"Why didn't you pursue her then." I asked.

"It's because she died." My whole mood went down after he told me.

He saw the pee sticks but he threw in the garbage when he touch one.

"Ewwwww.. how could you girls pee in that thing." He asked.

"When we are pregnant." I said.

"You should talk to Noah about the baby." Allison suggested.

"He and I broke up when I  found out he was cheating on me." I told walking to the kitchen.

"I knew that." Brandon said.

"Why didn't you tell." We both asked him.

He stop and looked at us as naive since we keep our eyes closed on Noah when it was not going to last for long.

"I am going to the doctor's because I don't think I'm really pregnant." Telling them so I won't get their high hopes up.

"Yeah that would be best." Allison told looking at Brandon laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked folding the olivia shirts.

"It's because you think you are not but when the doctor is going to tell you that you are .... pregnant...duh." he trying to prove his point when he know I don't care about that but what I'm really considering is Noah child in my stomach again.

"Yeah whatever." I said getting ready for tomorrow.

"Well we will go but talk to you tomorrow."Allison told.

Brandon kisses my hand again but he made sure to give me his sexy smirk.

I guess talking to Noah siblings was really actually nice because we are practically family since olivia is their niece.

When I got to the doctor's today.

She gave me news I never thought I was ever going to hear eve in my life within this time of the year.

She gave me news I never thought I was ever going to hear eve in my life within this time of the year

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