Chapter 18

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Clearly Noah and I were trying out some things but I was still thinking about if i was doing something wrong because he hurt me and I don't ever think i can forgive him after what he done to me. He came in the kitchen after he had his wild sleep , i had coffee ready but i had to rush myself to get to work but when i got up from the seat, my pants is wet. 

He was talking but i was starting to feel my contractions coming very close together as i am about to blow out in pain. He kept talking until he saw my face trying hard to not feel the pain but he came around seeing that i am in pain and there is water on the floor so he took olivia from the room telling us it is time to go. When i open the door, I saw Kate at the door waiting for Noah at my house which is weird and i was thinking to myself that he is probably still engaged to her while he taking me to the hospital to give birth to his second baby.

''Are you kidding me ?'' I asked. he looked at me asking what am i'm talking about when he know damn well that he is probably with this bitch all over again behind my back. She laughed at me and calling me a whale, she is lucky i am this close to giving birth because i would drag the hoe down on the ground. Noah told Kate to leave here while he was putting Olivia in her car seat and i was getting in the car but still in pain. I felt that i was about to give birth in the car and then Kate said she is not going no where she hopped right into the back of the car talking to Noah while he is driving but i was screaming in pain and he was more attentive to me other than her.

Olivia started to cry and Noah told Kate to take the bottle to feed her but i wasn't sure that she should touch anything that spelled out my name especially my child.

''Why do i have to do it ?'' Kate asked.

''It's because you are in the back and i am in the front wailing in pain because my second born child is coming very soon and let me guess,Noah is driving so you have one option, feed my child or get out of the car!  I told her.

she took the bottle and feed my child because she knows she needs to talk to Noah and i need to get in the hospital to give birth before i do it in the car. He drove as fast he could even though he didn't want to speed because of me and olivia in the car which is sweet of him. 

He parked the car helping me get out of the car and i did realized that i look like a whale when i am pregnant and vow to myself right here in my mind that i will not get pregnant again after this because two are enough. I sat down on one of those roller chairs and been rushed to the maternity part of the hospital. I was scared to give birth because it have been two years that can destroyed my body the same way Olivia did to me before.

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