Chapter 4 (rewrite)

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I was speaking to Molly for three hours and Noah still hasn't come back since he left with his ex girlfriend. Then i heard the door where i open the door seeing it was Elise coming in.

''Elise, what are you doing here?'' I asked her where she told me she would be staying the night since she bribed Noah. I couldn't believe this bimbo was trying to stay the night at the hotel room Noah and I have together. I just knew this was done because I couldn't deal with this.

''I need you to get out of our hotel room.'' I said

''Noah said I can stay here tonight.'' She was acting all sad when she bribed him.

''I am not leaving anywhere.'' she says.

''Fine, I am leaving.'' I said, Noah came in the room seeing me leaving where he asked me what is wrong where i told him that his ex girlfriend said she bribed you to stay in our room and this is not working for me nomore. He went inside kicking Elise out so i can come in but Elise forced herself in where Noah called security because she is acting like the jealous ex girlfriend.

Elise left the hotel room where Noah went downstairs to find me to tell me to come back but i couldn't deal with the fact that Elise was barging herself into our lives. He grabbed my arm telling me to shut up and come here.

''No, Noah.'' I stare at him where he grabs me bringing me closer to him where our lips touch each other. I saw Elise coming down the stairs seeing Noah kissing me where she was in fury but i couldn't help to make her jealous in that moment where she walked off scoffing knowing she will not have Noah at all.

Then she left where i pushed Noah away from me telling him to ever kiss me again where he pulled me in kissing me more than usual, i couldn't help myself but to attached my lips upon his making myself be lost into his touch and the way he caresses me. Then the next moment, I realized I was on the bed as he undressed me where I felt so vulnerable.

''Noah.'' I was feeling the moment where he told me to be quiet because he didn't want me to speak other than to lay there being vulnerable where he was ready to make cum. I was tingling everywhere as his finger touches me where he climbed on top of me caressing my breast and sucking on my breast causing me to go crazy. I just didn't know what to do anymore because i was bound to his touch and wanted him to do things to me like i never felt.

Noah was fucking up my mind with every sensual touch and kiss he was caressing me slowly into. Why did he have to be so good at this.especially with me going crazy for his touch. In those moments of sweet kisses and touches he finally went inside of me where my toes were curling into little balls as i grab onto the sheets screaming at the top of my lungs knowing he fucking up my every sense causing me to lose it all.

Noah just made orgasm twice where i couldn't stop the moment he kept fucking up my mind. Once Noah was done, he looked at me telling me this was the first time he has realized we are both sex freaks when we both have sex.

I know in my soul i was not ready to tell Noah i was done but i am still craving for more where i wanted to ravage me more, so i climbed on top of him riding him like he was going crazy where he cum in me more than three times. I was hungry for more and was not ready to stop until Noah just kept cumming in me so i got off on him where I finished off sucking him off where he kept cumming in my mouth non stop. Noah finally stops cumming inside of my mouth where he turned around placing me back on the bed where he spread my legs slowly eating me out leading me to driving crazy and i couldn't stop at that time just knowing he has caused me to lose all of my senses.

It was a wild night with Noah and I, where I was still sleeping while Noah was handling some business before we went home. I woke up seeing orange juice with two pieces of toast on the dresser. I was excited to see that Noah had left me something to eat while he went out to take care of some business.

I ate some breakfast then headed to the bathroom where I went to shower so i can go out to buy some stuff for Olivia since she knew her mother brought her these things from her home country. I was done showering when I heard the door being tampered with, so i was thinking it could have been Noah where it was Elise.

''What the fuck are you doing here?'' I asked.

''I am here to speak to you.'' She says,

''What did I do?'' I asked.

''I am taking back Noah whether you like it or not.'' she came here to threaten me about Noah when she knew Noah doesn't want her.

''Good, Noah already told me he doesn't want anything from you.'' I said,

''That's what you think.'' she stares at me when she knows it's true. She left telling me it was a warning but I knew she looked at me as a threat the moment Noah made that facial expression. I went to the store to buy some toddler clothes for Olivia because I know she will like this.

The lady came up to me asking me about my child and I told her she is in California while the father and I are doing business together for her.

''Does the father not want to be a part of her life?'' She asks but I had to let her know that the father is very much present in her life but he is handling some business.

''I am so sorry, I thought that the child is fatherless since you are doing business with the father about her.'' she says.

''Oh, it's nothing.'' I smiled at her heading to another aisle where i found the right outfit until i saw Elise taking the outfit.

''Kate told me that your baby looks like an octopus.'' She mocks my daughter.

''Did you just call my daughter an octopus?'' She is being rude about my child.

''Clearly,bitch.'' she looked at me like i am dumb. I walked away because i will not deal with her shit because she thinks she has the chance with Noah. then she realized she had a meeting with someone and i was suspecting it could be Noah since she is obsessed with him instead of working her magic to steal from him.

I went to buy the stuff when I was headed back to the hotel since I needed something before I went out where I saw Noah with Elise as she embraced him. I just couldn't hold it anymore so i told the driver to stop where i went to confront Noah with Elise there.

''Noah is showing me something around the place, darling.'' She was mocking my British accent. I was full of rage and didn't know what to do, so i just walked away trying to avoid the situation all together but still her words kept playing in my head over and over again because she was getting into my skin which i didn't like at all.

Noah shouted where he told me he would speak to me once he gets to the hotel, i just kept walking just to feel myself at ease somewhere else just knowing i am not thinking about Noah and his damn ex girlfriend since she been getting under my skin all this time.

I went to the hotel room so i can sleep because i cannot take it anymore since Noah would rather be in company with the woman who broke his heart than the one who loves him for who he is. I just couldn't understand Noah because it was like he was intoxicated by her which was surprising to me. Then I get a call from Brandon where he asked me if Elise has been to Manchester.

''Brandon, how do you know we are in Manchester?'' I asked him where he tells me that he is always making sure i am safe since he can tell where i usually am which is weird.

I didn't want to know anything about Elise since she is playing my man's mind and i don't even know if i ever going to get him back with her here, then Noah opens the door shouting out my name waiting for me to respond but i wanted him to slimmer in my name.

At that moment, I stared at him waiting for him to walk in the bedroom but he chose not to come into the bedroom. I knew something was wrong but didn't want to say anything until he came clean.

''Noah!'' I shouted.

''Where were you?'' He was acting like the concern party when he was nothing but an asshole at that moment. He told me he is sorry for doing that to me but Elise had been bugging him to take her to the place so he didn't have no choice but i didn't want to believe him because Elise has been on his tail where he is not making any effort to chase her off.

Noah held my hand telling me he would not do anything to hurt me but I felt that I had lost hope at that moment. Noah told me it was time to pack since we are going home soon where i thought this would be a Noah and I time but it got ruined by Elise all because that bitch didn't have anything to do other than torture me for Noah.

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