chapter 14

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"I know you still love me." Noah looked at me.

"I do but I don't know if I can trust you to come back in my life again." I said.

"I didn't mean to but how olivia been?" He ask.

"Olivia is fine and lonely without her father." I said.

"Well how about I come over later?" He ask.

"Yeah sure I'll think about it." I told.

We share some laughs but mostly dinner but Kate had to come and messed that up ass well.

"Hello darling." Kate kisses noah in front of me.

"Hey babe how you feeling?" He ask.

"Well I just found out I am pregnant." She said to make me jealous.

I couldn't believe she just said pregnant.

"Pregnant?" I ask.

"Yes we are having a little one for our own too." Kate smiled.

"Congratulations." I say and left the table to go home.

I went to the bathroom crying my eyes out since now I know why Kate wants Olivia.

She wants to make herself look like the best stepmother she can be to my own child. How the hell can I be so stupid when it comes to Noah and his life.

Kate got the best of me and I shouldn't let it get this far to the point I can't tell him I'm pregnant.

I left the restaurant going home to my bed and olivia.

"Mama." She cried for.

I attend to her needs and cried on her beautiful natural hair to show much I love her and will always even if they take her away from me.

"I love you olivia." I said.

"Mama I love you too." She said.

I wipe my tears and play with my little daughter since Kate wants to show her competition between the mothers.

Molly called me asking if I was okay after the meeting with Noah .

"Noah is having a baby with Kate ." I told.

"This is why he wants custody of Olivia?" She asks.

" Yes this is why from what I'm thinking." I said.

"What an ass?" She said shocked when I told her this.

"I can't believe he would do this to you of all people." Molly still shocked to hear this from me.

"Avoid him sis." Molly suggested.

"How can I ?" I ask

"Make him see you don't need him anymore." Molly said with a  vindictive voice .

"At least you can do this when I have a child with him molly so please understand me." I plead .

"I can't when I'm pregnant with number two molly." I said.

"Number two as in ...?" She ask.

"I'm pregnant again with his baby." I said.

"Oh no Anya seriously is that all you can do with Noah." She sound like I have failed her.

"You sound disappointed." I said.

"I am when it comes to you and Noah situation." She said.

"Fine forget  I told you anyways." Hang up the phone to not hear anymore from her.

"Anya." She still calls out.

I continue to play with Olivia.

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