Chapter 13

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I went home holding onto Olivia and just crying my tears down her face.

"My sweet girl." I cried.
Molly saw how I came in the  house sad."what wrong?" Molly ask.

"Noah wants share custody with me for Olivia." I cried even harder but quietly.

"Why?" She ask.

"It's because of his bitch called of a fiancee." Went to the kitchen to drink some water.

"Then you need a lawyer." She said.

"I can't afford a lawyer." I said.

"We can help you get one." She said but I know it will not work since I know Noah and what his family are capable of doing if I don't sign.

"I'm going to talk with Noah about this anyways." I said.

I text Noah to meet up with me later.

Noah came to the restaurant to talk with me about olivia.

"Noah what do you think you are doing ?" I ask him although it might be bullshit coming out of his mouth.

"I want us to share custody with Olivia since we are not dating to be around each other Anya." He told but he look like he is sort of sorry.

"I can't do that with you Noah when I been through hell and back having Olivia." I told.

"Why can't you understand we can still be a family with custody being share among the two parents." He ask.

" You can co parent with me other than a damn custody Noah." I was getting angry with him.

"So you call me to talk about this shit other than work with we are giving you." He said.

"Noah this isn't you so why are you doing this for real?" I ask.

"I still want you in my life Anya ." He told.

"Then be more clear with your feelings and thoughts." I said walking off but he grab my arm.

" I missed you." He told .

At that moment I wanted to tell him I'm pregnant but how could I when we are arguing about olivia situation at hand. He might want to take both of my children.

"Please sit down." Noah ask.

I gave him a look that could tell I didn't want to be here with him anymore but I sat down looking in the eye.

"What now Noah ?" I trying to get him to say whatever he have to say so I can leave.

"How you been?" He ask.

I want him to say the wrong thing for me to leave but he ask me how I'm been.

"Fine, how about yourself?" I ask.

"I been missing you and only you." Noah told.

"Noah if you missed me you should have picked up the phone to call me other than this shit Kate pulling on me." I said.

"I know but I want you to know I never meant to hurt you." He said.

"I know but you did anyways before you ..." Right in that moment I was going to tell him.

"Before I what?" He ask.

"You hurt me and made me miserable Noah." I came back with a better excuse.

"I still love you." He tells me but how could I tell him I love him when I'm lying to him.

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