Chapter 10

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"I did not know what was going with my sister ?" I asked in my head.

I lay on the couch binge watching tv shows since I would be depressed for carrying another baby.

Olivia is with her grandparents while I get my head straight.

I asked for a week off since I can get my head back on straight because it been tough.

Within the month I have puking and not feeling well with this baby growing inside.

Every time I touch my little blimp,all I can think of is Noah.

There were nights I cried because Noah and I left this relationship on bad terms.

I called his parents to ask if he is okay since he never called me.

"Oh Anya,did you see the news?" His mother told.

"No,but what has happened to Noah?" Thinking something has happened to Noah.

"No dear,but he is getting married to Kate." She said sadly.

My heart shattered to pieces. I remember being with him from getting pregnant to this.

The father of olivia is getting married to my arch Nemesis.

I could not believe the words I was hearing from his mother.

The tears rolling down but I try to keep them in but they were fighting.

I open the television seeing what his mother is telling true.

She could not handle the fact that Noah left her to be wed with Kate.

She rushed to the bathroom feeling unwell.

She passed out in the bathroom but Sandra and Molly came to save the day when they saw their sister lying on the ground hopeless.

All I remember is waking up in the hospital wondering what had happened to her and the baby.

"Are you Anya Engelstein?" The doctor asked.

"Yes doctor." I said.

"Well the baby is okay but you need to take it easy with the stress." He told.

"Doctor ,what do you mean by stress?" I asked.

"I mean you knew to take it easy with your body and stop lacking with your nutrition."Doctor oliver told.

"Okay doctor,thank you." I said.

"You scared us!" Molly and Sandra nearly cried if I was dead.

"I'm alive,now you may leave." Pushing them away since I can't bare my heart no more.

"We know !" They both said.

"Know what stupid ?" I asked very angrily.

"Noah and Kate engagement." Both said.

"Get out !" I yelled.

" How could you be like this after we just save you."Sandra told.

"I want you and Molly to leave now!" I raise my voice a little higher.

"Fine be stupid on your own !" Molly grab her purse and just left telling me with a very strong british accent.

"Sis,you are acting stupid!" Sandra yelled leaving.

After one week being in the hospital,my parents came to see me but I pushed them away too.

When I was discharged from the hospital.

I went to my parents house to come get my daughter since Molly and Sandra hates me.

"I'm sorry for what I have done." Telling the family sorry taking Olivia with me.

I went home trying to think if I should call Noah about the baby.

But I thought of it....

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