Chapter 7 (rewrite)

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Noah Point of view

I went home after I went to pick up Olivia but i wanted to see Anya after that day i told her i cheated on her. I was such an idiot for letting her go when she was the sun to my darkest days. I didn't know what possessed me to do this to her when she was nothing but good to me.

I will not lie but she was the best girlfriend i've ever had because she made me feel human all over again after the situation with Elise. As soon as possible, I got home and my mother took Olivia from my hands where she was embracing Olivia since she hadn't seen her when she went to see Anya months ago.

Allison asked me if i had seen Anya and i can tell she was eager to hear if i did but as soon i shook my head no, she was distraught. Brandon didn't even come out of his room to see Olivia since I am the reason Anya quit her job here where she is living her best life somewhere else. I tried to call Anya but her phone keeps going to voicemail and i really want to see her so i can rekindle with her, hopefully getting her back.

I can tell she doesn't want to see me anymore since i hurt her when i promised her i wouldn't hurt her. I went upstairs to check up on Brandon where he was tossing a ball in the air as he was catching it.

''Hey, I haven't seen you for some time.''

''Yeah, what do you want?'' I can tell I have made him angry about Anya's situation.

''Olivia is downstairs.''

''Okay, I will come see my niece during dinnertime.''

''Look, it's my fault Anya is not in your life right now but please listen to me I was an idiot for hurting her and i regret every day of my life for letting her walk out of my life.''

''You don't regret it big brother since you cheated on her causing her to go insane.''

''I am sorry, I still love her and I am willing to do anything to get her back.''

''Trust me, you don't want you anymore.'' from that moment he said that i had suspected that Anya is really moving on with her life. I went downstairs seeing Olivia watching grandma cutting carrots. I approach Olivia asking her if mommy was seeing somebody where she was giggling.

''Baby girl, is mommy seeing someone else?'' I asked.

''Mommy is cooking.'' she says.

'Cooking what?''

''She has something in her belly.'' she says.

''Is mommy pregnant?'' I asked Olivia where my mother told me to stop asking Olivia questions she doesn't understand.

''Mom, Anya is pregnant and I guarantee this child is mine.'' i said.

''What's up with the racket?'' Allison asked.

''Allison, can you face-time Anya?'' I asked because I wanted to prove my point about Anya. She doesn't want to see me because she is pregnant.

Allison face-time Anya where she didn't respond until a few minutes later she had called her back asking her if Olivia is okay. Allison warned her that I wanted to speak to her where she told her to give me the phone. I was smiling because Anya was so beautiful when I saw her through the phone.

''Is Olivia okay?''

''She is.''

''Then why did you call?''

''Can I not call you without an explanation?''

''Only Olivia's explanations.''

''Can you see all of your body?''

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