Chapter 5 (rewrite)

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We were on our way to the airport with us on the silent treatment because I didn't believe him about the Elise situation. He told me I was being unreasonable but I know I was not being unreasonable because she has been finding her way to ruin our relationship. Then he tells me that Elise will be coming to the states to handle some business with his family.

I told him I don't want to see him until he is ready to get Elise out of his life where he was shouting at me telling me that Olivia and I are his life and if I don't understand this, then I am the problem. Since i am the problem so much, i told him it would be best to not make this worse than it already is.

We arrived in California where I was waiting for a taxi since i didn't want to get in the car with Noah but Noah insisted that I get in the car so he can take me home. I didn't say anything to him other than tell him to come see Olivia before he leaves. He came inside the house where he went to Olivia, embracing her by kissing her forehead , then he whispered to her by telling her that he loves her.

Ever since Noah left, i haven't seen him until one day he texted me telling me he wants to speak to me. I actually had something to tell him so i thought this would be the time to talk about this until i got there seeing Noah all nervous.

''Noah, what is going on with you?'' I asked.

''I wanted to speak to you about something.'' He stares at me. Noah was scaring me when he looks like this unless someone else is coming. Noah told me he didn't want this to happen but he wanted to come clean where he said to me that he slept with Elise. All I had to say went down the drain because all I could hear was him sleeping with Elise while he was still dating me.

''I didn't want it to happen but it did.'' He says,

''You did this to me.'' I was shocked to hear him telling me that he cheated on me where I couldn't believe it anymore. I walked away before anything else happened to me where he followed me asking me if I had forgiven him. I couldn't forgive him because he promised me that he will not do anything to hurt me but he just did it by sleeping with his one true love.

''Since Elise means so much to you, stay with her.'' I said,

''No, Anya please don't leave me.'' He begs.

I went home where I saw my sisters were having a good time with my brothers and parents but i couldn't just lay this problem on neither one of them,so i went to my room holding Olivia where she was struggling to speak by asking her mommy what is wrong? I didn't know how to tell her that her father is a bastard for cheating on me with Elise when he told me in Manchester that she doesn't mean anything to him because he will never do anything to hurt me but he cut me deep by hurting me by cheating on me.

Brandon came to the house requesting to see me but i refused to see any of his siblings since they all knew before he came to tell me, the moment he told me that he cheated on me, the relationship is done. Then something inside of me was urging me to rush to the bathroom. Brandon followed me to the bathroom telling me Noah is a jerk for doing that to me where Molly was wondering but i told Brandon to shut up so they don't know what Noah did to me.

''Anya, what did Noah do to you?'' She asked but I didn't want to say anything to her because there was nothing she could do for him. I wanted to handle the situation. Then Brandon left because he didn't know what to do since he couldn't speak to me about the situation he came to address me in.

Molly wanted to know but i told her nothing was wrong but she suspected something was wrong, so i went outside so i can talk to Brandon where he and i were speaking in private. Then Molly came out of the house asking Brandon what is going on with Noah and I?

''Molly, go back inside.'' I said, She refused to listen to me because she chose to butt in when I told there was nothing going on with me. She insisted that I tell her but i refused to speak to her because she needs to know my life with Noah is none of her business.

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