Chapter 5

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He kissed me.

"What was that for?" I asked,still wiping the tears from my eyes.

"One last sex before we part ways." He told.

I kissed him back but I did  it for it be get this far.

I kissed him,our lips were touched by each other. I felt good from his lips. He undress me as we slowly interwined out lips together.

He kissed me like no other.

He took off his shirt,I was licking all over him and he was licking all over me too.

He out his dick inside with  an sensual touch that massage my vagina with his dick.

He roughly was getting harder in the sex.

I love the way he was making me feel,because he was making me feel like no other person.

We had finished before olivia was awake so we try to make sure she did not hear what was happening in the other room.

I gave Noah one last kiss for him to leave.

Button up my shirt and walked out of the room but before I told him,"we are doing this for our own good."

Walked off but I am still hurting after what happened before we had our last breakup sex.

I guess it would be best if  he enjoy his life without me ruining it for him.

He packed and left but he wrote me a letter telling me if I need anything or I mean absolute anything to make sure it will be handle with his parents.

I remember when he first told me he likes me but I guess that what rich player tells girl what they want to hear.

Noah is no different from the other guys I have ever encountered.

I was hurt but I couldn't tell my mom or my dad about this.

Olivia and I would be fine without Noah or maybe I meant that for me more than olivia.

Olivia was crying but she was calling out for her dad.

"Dada....dada...dada." she cries out.

My tears were running down as well since I was the one watching my baby girl grow up without a father.

"Dada will be back sweetie." But in reality I think he will never be back.

I heard a sudden bell rang and there it was Molly outside my door waiting for  me to get her in.

Open the door but she gave a look of I told you so.

"I told you about Noah!" She yells.

"What is wrong?" I asked.

"Noah is sleeping with Kate." She said.

When I heard kate,my heart burst and my head was full of fury.

Now I know why he wanted to break up,it's because he is sleeping with Kate the bitch who insulted our daughter and me which a.k.a he does not care.

I did not use my brain that time so I called him where I do hear kate through the phone.

Called his parents to find out where he is.

Imma going to kill him.

Imma going to kill him

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