Chapter 19

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''Noah, I'm scared.'' I am in pain to know that i am about to give up to my baby boy who been waiting for me.

''I'm here for you no matter what.'' He hold my hand as we are making to the room to give birth to our son. I got in the room getting prepared for my son to come because I can't wait to see my baby. Noah is crying because he can't wait to see his son but I was contracting badly and couldn't wait to see my new baby when he arrives here soon.

I told to call his family and mines to get here quick as possible and the nurses told us that Olivia will have to be in the lobby when it comes to the time to give birth because they don't want to tratumize  Olivia about giving birth. I was in pain and couldn't bother to think about anything else other than being in pain. When he called his family and mines, they told me that they will rush me to quickly attend to my needs and be able to be in the lobby with Olivia while Noah is in the room with me.

Noah told me he needs to talk to Kate which I do mind because he is going out to talk to her while I am laying on my back preparing myself to give birth soon. Then i felt myself a little more dilated which hurts more, then i  called Noah on the phone to come in the room because I am almost this close to popping a child right out of my vagina.

He rushed himself back to the room holding my hand but my family haven't came to get Olivia so he told Kate to watch Olivia bit Olivia started to cry because she doesn't like Kate. '' Ollie baby it's auntie Kate even if you don't like her but mommy is here to give birth to your brother soon.'' He told her holding his hand.

My little boy was impatient and Kate  arrogantly said she will watch over my octopus baby but Olivia told she is the octopus that have a snake head at night.

''OLVIA!'' Noah and I shouted in unison.

'' Sorry Mommy and Daddy.'' She said smiling.

'' I can't believe she called Kate an octopus with a snake head at night which is funny but at this moment I couldn't think of what Olivia told Kate other than worry about the health and birth of our son.

My family came even with Noah family coming taking Olivia away from Kate but Kate told herself that she is already here so she will wait for Noah. Brandon was laughing at Kate but she didn't know why he was laughing at her. she felt that Brandon was mocking her but Allison told her that if she thinks she will be back with Noah, then she have another thing coming.Kate walks up towards Allison trying to slap her but Brandon stop her by telling,'' if you think you are going to put your hand on my sister, then you have another thing coming and you are mad that you will never be Anya.''

Kate left. 

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