A Friend From The Past (3)

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____ciara's pov_____

i am currently in the cafeteria waiting for Mill's for the past 20 mins who just graced me with her presence now. "sorry honey puffs i was a bit late." she accused as she sat infront of me and i gave her the continue' look."i swear i headed straight to the cafeteria after i was done talk-" "don't lie" i warned while raising my brow.

" Ok fine, i give up i kinda met with the boys mid way and now they joining us to lunch" what does she mean by boys, who is she referring to. I am a bit confused now.

"Well whatever, anything you feel like eating mill's"
"no honey puffs i am on a diet, remember and also the party tonight i think i can't make it today" finally some good news "I am not going either then" god i can finally rest.

"Hey mill's" some guy cheered from behind which then followed by a few more voices.
I turned back to find a whole group of 6 people not any 6 but the popular jocks including the oh-so-popular-quarterback

"Are you kidding mila" i whisper yelled i can't do this all these are the one's who would laugh at me.
As i was starting to get up all the boys kind of sat around leaving me with no other choice but to sit.

"hey, caden" the one beside me greeted "huh hii, ciara" i greeted back, for which he gave me a goofy smile, wow just like that. he made me comfortable.all the others did ignore me though.

I sat there in silence while they were all discussing about all sorts of things, upcoming matches etc.

"you gross elephant how dare you sit beside my Caden" someone screeched. Wait, beside Caden? That's me, this rude bitch. "hey is that your girlfriend or something." i asked Caden ignoring the women's existence.

"eww no" he replied" good. "Now honey if you don't want a distorted face then leave" i cooed smiling at her "you bitch how dare you threaten m-" "FUCK OFF" one of the boys cut off irritated, of her squeaky voice maybe. its no joke. "thank you huh" "it's luke" "ooh thank you luke". The girl did fuck off after a deadly stare from the luke guy.

"Wooow that was scary" mill commented. "your voice. it just gave me chills, damn it was cold, hey were you planning to beat her up or something" Mila asked looking expectantly at luke.

"what beat up i am against violence" he answered "hey were you scared" caden's voice suddenly interrupted "mmm i was surprised for a bit i had say, i didn't see it coming" was that concern in caden's eyes just now "good to know, don't worry she will not disturb you later" he said looking straight into my eyes, it makes me feel assured for some reason. Now that i am looking he has a great pair of ivory eyes contrasting his tanned skin.

"Now, eat" he said pointing my plate full of mac n cheese and a granola bar with a packet of dry fruits " were you planning on eating all that" someone mocked. why the hell do this kids hate me so much, i don't even know his name. "got a problem" i retorted.

"Here mill have whatever you feel like" i threw the bag of dry fruits and granola bar to her they were originally for her. "Aww thank you" she said giving me finger hearts, she is so damn cute... So cute that someone choked on their food...... The green eyes, chiseled face guy. "hey slow down" i panicked i mean i just "don't-- don't stuff your mouth wait a second" huhh Ciara Aaget just shut up don't show conce- "i am fine. It's Josh" he replied politely " fine then josh" with that all of us went back to eating and chating again i mean not me though i am still just eating.

"hey do you want to do the chemistry assignment with me" Caden suddenly asked "huh" that took me by surprise, how does he know about it? Do we share same class. "i mean we are together for chem right, wow you never noticed me" he was shocked."oh yeah sorry." I apologised a bit embarrassed"

it's due next Saturday and i am a bit busy next week so if you are fine how about we meet this weekend". "yea sure it's fine, then how about on Saturday evening" i have nothing else to do either so why not I can have whole Sunday for myself. "sounds cool let's do that then, how about the nearby coffee shop" he said having a bite of his pizza.

"Ooh i remembered luke was also asked to do this assignment how about we just do it together honey puffs" Caden added and this time i was the one who choked "easy there cutie" Caden started rubbing my back gently and i am pretty sure i am purple already "thanks and why not let's do it".

With that i went back to eating peacefully "Don't stuff food like it's running away fatty" the same guy remarked. why? Why does he have to be so rude, can't he see that i am a human too i hate this man. I just can't let this go on. "what the hell is your problem you jerk" i spat loud enough for everyone to listen which surprised almost everyone in cafeteria. And he is shocked, good. "Say that again" he said inching towards me and what's up with his tone. wait, Was that supposed to scare me or something, no chance bitch. " I said what the hell is your problem YOU . JERK" wasn't that what he wanted to hear so bad i just gave him the satisfaction. "Who do you think you are talking to fatty" and that gave me goosebumps, stop getting any nearer you bastard. I am almost scared "just move" okay all I want to do is get out of this mess, that's all.why the heck is he so close Ahhhhh "apologise fatty" the audacity of him "dream on.. you jerk" shut the hell up Ciara what if he kills you or something, god help me i am done for. "you are a real piece of work aren't you" ok. but I can feel his breath on my face, if he's trying to intimidate me or something then it's definitely working but i can't give up..hell there is no such thing as apologising for Ciara Aaget not to a jerk, that's for sure "i said nothing wrong, i ain't apologising and move back you are invading my personal space" i mustered up all my courage and said looking right into his eyes...

"Easy there Aaron, you started this remember" Caden defended standing right between us making Aaron take a few steps back after a one minute long intense staring did Aaron leave.

_____ phone rings______

WHAT THE..... That got me out of trance and it was mill's so she went away to attend the call. "Hey you can't pick fights with anybody like that, be more careful" i know he is concerned and even right probably, but if i don't standup for myself people will take it for granted "thanks i will keep that in mind" i guess, as long as someone behave. "you fine right" the concerned Caden is best "mmmm" i nodded "cute" he muttered but it was audible, i blushed again, why am i becoming a blushing poof ball when I am near this guy, he is dangerous.


Ok finally done with today and after lunch Aaron was no where to be seen for which i am glad "ciaaa wait for me" i heard across the halls. "Mill's, slow down " "ah-found-ah you" " yes you did and why were you running like crazy you could have called me and asked to wait" i reasoned " it didn't strike i just ran as soon as class is over"

"fine how about i give you a ride home, we can talk on our way" i offered as she was trying to take steady breaths. "kay" "did you have something to say and why did you cancel the party" i enquired "well about the party, i have dinner plans with damian and i can't cancel since he is going back tomorrow" who is she talking about "who?" I am confused again.

"Remember the one you met in the morning at the lockers" woah Mr. Arrogant's called Damian then "who is he how come you never mentioned him" she never even mentioned his name "that's because we lost touch in middle school after his family moved to New York, and i kind of forgot about him"

that's a long story "were you.... Friends" ."Mmm yes, you could say that i guess, since our parents were friends we were always together growing up" family friends i see. "Hey Ciara I told him that you are joining us" nooo way why would i, i don't like that man "i am not".

"Ciara please you have to, i already told him please" oh man not the puppy eyes again.
"Fine" "thanks" she beamed.

"Don't forget to wear the dress we bought the other day"
And with that she got off the car and left.

Author: hey guys so that is it for chapter 3, please do let me know how you feel so I can improve my work. 😊

Word count:1607

Well i was sorts of planning on giving up but here we are.😁😁

Good day sunflowers 💜

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