Heartbreak (12)

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"i have something i need to say to you" i said as our dance was comming to an end anr i might not get a chance to speak later.

"Garden" "sure. I need some fresh air anyways". The more we got away from the crowd the more caden's smile dropped.

"How about here" he sat himself on the bench. "Sure, it's nice" i sat too. Two minutes passed and he was silent. Not even a word.

"What happened" i now definitely know that something is wrong and it pains me to see him like that. "Is it that obvious" he said as he stared at the sky with a sad smile plastered all over his face, he looked so distant even if he he was sitting right beside me.

"It's ok if you don't want to share it with me, but just know that i am here if you want to" i said staring at the sky. "Some one i really love, she i-is moving far away" his voice cracked.

I looked at him in utter shock. He loves someone? I never knew. Well why would I knew we are not that close. And how can I have him. Heck i didn't even think of a possibility of him liking some one.... Damn does anyone know at all. Questions kept piling up. Stirring up all my fears. But i decided to first help Caden cheer up.

"Mm, do they know that you love them?" Who would say no to him. "You are the only one who knows" i don't know if I should feel happy that he really trusts me or fucking crawl back into my sheets and cry.

"You should tell them" i genuinely said, i can't believe i am encouraging my love to confess someone else. "I am scared, and she is stubborn" great then she can go fuck herself. "If you love her and want her then atleast try to get her" i said genuinely agitated.

"What if she says no" Caden kind of tried to prove his point. "Then you will atleast have a solid reason to cry over." I deadpaned. That was harsh.

"i - i am sorry i-".
"Haha that's ok. Honestly, thanks. i feel better than before"
"regrets are more hurtful Caden" i know that now thanks to you.

----------phone rings_------------

"Huh, just a second" i got up from the bench and took a few steps away from Caden as I saw the callers name. Damian.

"Hello". I spoke into the phone.. "Where are you" wondering why had he call so suddenly. "Just send me the location, i am coming to pick you up". What.

"Why" i asked confused with whatever is happening. "Huh. Why do you always have so many questions." Damian spoke hurriedly.

"It is you, who always make everything a mistery". "Fine, we are attending a gathering right now. Satisfied?" He sounded defeated which made me kind of happy. I am not gonna lie.

"Just send me the location".
"I can't, i am busy" i Said, i have had enough for today. "No. Dad's orders we need to be there"
" i can't, also on such a short notice. I have other plans".

"Ciara, send me the damn address. now" why does he always have to be so disrespectful. "Don't order me around" i just hung up.

Why is it that people always just throw things at me and expect me to handle them. Why did he treat me soo good, why flirt at the very least. and now he says he has a unrequited love. How am I gonna deal with all of this. I stomped around. Trying so hard to not breakdown in front of everyone.

"Hey you ok" a hand suddenly appeared on my shoulder. Startled at the sudden gesture i turned back to see a concerned luke standing there. "Huh?"

"You ok? Ciara. I am sorry. Did i surprise you?" I tried to keep it in and hide my emotions. My whole body trembled as i tried my very best to just stop the tears that are threatening to fall down.

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