Can't escape[18]

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-------- ciara's POV -----------

After i hung up on Damian i went back to enjoying my coffee and cake in peace, it's close to dawn and i need to return home ASAP.

Content with the experience i tipped the waiter a 20 dollar bill and booked a uber online, the uber is supposed to arrive in 10 so i decided to take a stroll around the flower booth at the corner of the lane.

The flower booth doesn't have much of a variety, however there was this one bouquet that got my attention. Lavenders.

I don't know why, but i am just captivated by their scent, loving how they add a lot of depth to the bouquet, the bold colour drew my attention, the bouquet actually had three different types of roses to it and lavenders complimenting the white ros-

I suddenly felt a hand roughly pulling on my right arm forcing me to walk, i tumbled a bit but once i gained balance i panicked and tried to free myself as i looked at the person dragging me to find none other than the devil

More than anger i was surprised that he found me as i was fairly far enough from the mall we visited, but the throbbing on my hand urged me to free it from the harsh grip that for sure is gonna leave a mark

"Damian it hurts..." I hissed as i tried to free myself, but to no avail. He wasn't listening nor did he slow down and dragged me out the entire road back to parking lot of some mall, where his car was parked.

"Damian i said let go.... It hurts huh" at this point i was whimpering from the pain he was causing, "what time is it?" he
Spoke very calm, ignoring my whines and clutching on to my hand just the same. I could feel a frown forming on my face.

I stayed silent, i refused , to act like a disciplined dog who is undergoing circus training, "let go of my hand, it hurts" i stated cooly, avoiding looking at his face.

To my surprise i felt an immediate relief on My arm but not for long,  i felt his hand moving up to the joint of my shoulder and held on to it so hard as i was pulled towards him even before i could fathom what just happened his other free hand grabbed onto my chin and forced me to look up in his direction.

His eyes, those damn woody green eyes sent a chill down my spine the second my eyes met with them, his perfectly kept hair was all grubby, he got a sweaty forehead with hair sticking on it,
Making him  look unkept, his porcelain long neck had beads of sweat rolling down to his collar  wetting his already drenched maroon shirt, he looked quite breathless like he was running  for quite some time, that must be how he found me.

he must have got annoyed with all the staring as his eyebrows started twitching and his forehead was forming a knot right in the middle of his eye span "what time is it" he sounded a bit agitated as he said it once more and his grip on my chin hardened.

"9" i answered staying still trying to comprehend what exactly his problem is, "where is Mila?" It sounded a bit sarcastic "perhaps still in the trail room? Isn't she?"

"She went home?, Now let go" i tried to squirm out of his fingers that were holding my chin. "We can talk just let g-"

"Which mall did you both go" he continued with the questions ignoring everything i said, i originally wanted to act like it's none of his business and all but his tone and the way he was keeping his cool, are all telling me that i shouldn't do it.

"Oh the one that is right across the corner" i answered vaguely as i observed his reaction, he just cocked his eyebrow a bit and got this grim expression on his face.

"mmm i see, then what did you buy" ok, does he know i am lying, i am 80 percent positive he does.

"I d- didn't, Mila had to suddenly go, so we ended it there." as i was at the end of the sentence my phone bleeped, thank God, "my ubers here i will be get going then" i said as i tried to free myself,

"Mm... Tell me Ciara, what should I do for you to get the message" he had a little smile plastered on his face, his voice was a lot deeper than normal and it wasn't directed to me, it was more like he was questioning himself.

"What" i voiced confused what he was going on about. He didn't speak, the whole parking lot went placid and i felt like a prey that is about to be eaten under his gaze, it wasn't after a second that Damian started inching near me, he got nearer by each second.

i didn't move a inch, hell i didn't know what to do, it was as he was taking note of my every move, i couldn't move i felt like i shouldn't move.

I shivered as soon as his rushed uneven  breath from all the running probably, brushed my collarbone and slowly moved up along my neck, the hand on my chin slightly pushed my chin tilting my head the other way giving him more access to my neck, i struggled to free my chin as i felt so exposed.

All it did was triggering him as the hand held on my shoulder slid down my curves to the tail of my spine right above my hips and then i was pushed right into him.

I was stoned for a second the proximity was dangerous i could feel every part of his body through my clothes, i could feel his broad firm chest pressed up against mine, i could feel his ripped abdomen... that is when it hit me, he might be able to feel me too all the extra skin on my stomach, even though it made me repel a bit, the possibility of him feeling my body.... made me imagine things....  my blood rushed towards my cheeks getting me all hot.

i started squirming around trying to make some distance, a sharp sting on my left earlobe clogged my actions, i flinched a little at the  slight pain and as soon as the air hit my ear i felt the wetness and even before i reacted damian's hand tightened on my waist halting me.

As i tried to tilt my head the other way he once again nipped on to my ear sending ripples through my body, i bit on to my lower lip stopping a moan that was about to escape, he stayed there for a second before i could feel his teeth ever so lightly graze the tip of my ear, at which i gasped a little.

"you don't realise do you?" He whispered into my ears giving me goosebumps everytime his lips touched my ear "huh" was all i could muster up, my brain was a mess.

he chuckled, maybe from how miserable i looked, my heart skipped a bit at the sound he made and i tried to push him away as it was getting too much for me.

"You can't escape me Ciara, or should I call Mrs.asher" the words themselves got my stomach into knots, "you are stuck with me, l will always find you." He declared. as he got up and looked me in my eyes.

i wanted to retaliate but my mouth felt so dry and i felt like i didn't have enough energy, i just kept looking at him "no lies will ever stop me" he smirked and i was just staring trying to take it all in.

"I am not stuck with you" and before he could oppose i continued "and no, you found me because i never intended to hide in the first place" i said as i eyed his every little move, his mouth twitched a bit as he was yet to say something but he never did so i continued "i assure you, if i intend to someday, you are not gonna find me"

Damian looked kind of stunned, even though he never gives away anything on his face, this time he kind of did.


I am not sure about this one but, trust the process i guess.

Love y'all 🌻 as always anyways💜

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