Butterflies [24]

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Damian's pov:

I panicked as i couldn't find her in the hallways and rushed down to the parking lot using the elevator, to my surprise Ciara was standing near my car with a puffy face and red eyes, it is evident that she was crying a sudden purge of emotions invaded my heart stinging me.

I took slow steps to her not knowing how to react, i exactly know what to do but i just don't know how.

With a few steps i was just a hand away from her, i could clearly hear her sniffing now oh god.

"I-i thought you ran away" i voiced out, saying the most dumbest thing to say to a crying  person.

Her head snapped looking in my direction with a glare "i ran to stop myself from killing you-" she said seriousness dripping in every word.

I couldn't help the curve forming on my mouth, and the voice that i tried suppress in my throat.

Her glare hardened "are you seriously chuckling? Huh whatever." She sighed.

I realised what i just did and rapidly changed my expression into a blank one and started mustering up my courage to say what i should.

"We are getting late." She said irritatingly looking into the watch on her wrist and tapping her heel on the ground impatiently with a little pout on her face. She definitely is not ugly, nowhere near ugly...

"H-huh yeah" i Said getting out of my daze and went on my side of the car getting in, she sat in too and we started off.

Silence. Like always this ride was too silent, once in the car she never looked at me her eyes were glued to the window all the time and occassionally a tear or two kept trickling down her face.

I hate it i do. I don't like her yes.  But i behaved like a pure jerk today and no women deserves that i would feel the same way even it wasn't Ciara.

"Ciara- i am sorry" i said sincerely for the very first time in my life i apologised and she deserved it in every sense.

She just looked at me with wide eyes as her brows twitched sometimes and her mouth agape in an attempt to say something but the words never fell.

"I am sorry Ciara, i didn't mean what i said nor today neither the other day" i sincerely confronted.

"I-i ok" she said that and went back to looking outside through the window but this time there were no tears and i could see her face relaxing a little by little. I sighed feeling a bit lighter than i was the last three days.

Just like that we were infront of my parents house.

Ciara's pov:

He apologized the oh-so-mighty Damian Asher apologized and agreed that he was wrong.

I was stunned when i heard him say sorry, I thought that after crying for three days i was feeling better but when he said those three words with such sincerity was when i felt at ease.

I felt light in my heart and relaxed, for the first ever time this silent ride with him was not so awkward but a bit warm.

Just like that we were infront of the Asher's mansion yet again but this time i am not just a stranger visiting but as their daughter.

My heart welled up with an unknown fuzzyness and my heart started beating loud with every step.

"Why are you shaking.... Wait are you having a panick attack" Damian's eyes bulged out with realisation, i just rolled my eyes at his stupidity "what panic attack. I ain't that weak to get a panic attack just to visit my in-laws" i retorted.

Just a few steps in and i find a hand  intertwined in mine i glare at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Remember the third rule Ms.aaget, act lovely when with my parents" "that was not the rule, we just need to look like we aren't trying to rip our heads off every chance" i tried to reason  trying to free my hand.

He just clutched hard " you are soo......."
His eyes held.....amusement? Am I seeing things now."annoying" he finished the sentence earning a glare from me i am going to age fast all thanks to this jerk.

"And you are so reasonless" i complete before giving up and walking with slumped shoulders as i drag him in too, what am I to do he did not let go of my hand.

"You ready Ms.Aaget" he says with his hands on the calling bell as he ringed it.

Damian's pov:

"You ready Ms.Aaget" i say bracing up myself for the love my moma bear is going to crush me with, a smile made it's
way at the thought.

"Mrs Asher" i heard her voice in a low mumble i snapped my head facing at her side face now "i am Mrs.Asher when we are here" she said looking straight into my eyes giving me freaking butterflies for the first time in my life.

A click from the opening door bought me back to my senses i turned away from her gaze so fast that my neck ticked and looked at the person standing infront of us even though all my senses were concentrated on her little entwined hand which is a bit shivering and sweaty now, i am sure she is blushing.

"Why are you red Damian" my mom asked with concern "what?" I said in shock touching my cheeks but did not miss how ciara's head  bobbed almost immediately looking at my face.

"Did you get a fever ian" (spelled like ai-yan sorry lol but that's the best Nickname i could come up with)

"I am f-fine mom" i said avoiding her. And took long strides in saving myself from anymore embarrassment.

After a while i see both the women entering the hall with smiles on their faces and hands around their waist's.

My family love's her so much. I am 70 percent sure they will cut my head off if i ever hurt her.

Author's note:

Yep, that's all for this chapter it is a short chapter.

But this was the warmest chapter yet according to me.

Love y'all bye.

By the way ever wondered what Luke's doing..... He will be back. just a little spoiler to tease y'all 😁😏😉

Love you all by the way my dearest🌻 ❤️

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