Marriage Made In Office (6)

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_____ciara's pov______

"Meet someone?" Meet who.
"It's nothing bad honey i just want you to meet him" it's a him. I prayed the seven gods that this isn't what i think it is. "And" i spoke tentatively trying to grab onto my dad's motive. "Ok Ciara let's not beat around the bush" i waited in total silence, my ears all perked up giving my attention to the words coming out of the man in front of me.

"If everything goes well he is your potential husband" there it was. Nothing new hun this is how rich dad's with a family business work. Talking about a marriage in a office. "W-why why so sudden, dad?"

"Your dad's getting old honey, i have to find someone who would take on the business as i could" "he is a great man Ciara honey you will lik-" " find someone? Da- dad seriously." why not me, why is that it isn't me. I am fighting my tears threatening to fall down from my eyes i can't be week not now.

"Why can't it be me- why" my throat felt dry i couldn't make up words, all i knew is my heart's breaking. What hurts more marrying a stranger or being a incompetent person in eyes of your own dad. I don't know anymore.

After a long pause i mustered up all the strength and said "when do I have to meet him" "Tuesday, we will be visiting their family in newyork for a dinner. " my dad stated monotonously, i wondered if he was acting as if he couldn't see my agony or he really couldn't.

I just left without saying a single word. I carried myself up with each step feeling heavier than before once i managed to get to the bed i crashed onto the bed

Crying into my sheets for a whole weekend and eating two jars of icecream in the process didn't make me look any better. And just like that it is Monday.


"Hey mila" "don't hey me, why didn't you lift my calls all weekend" mila scolded eating the fries from my plate. "Hey don't steal mine get your own food"

"Does that jerk has anything to do with this cia" "nope" " ohhh why do you have puffy eyes though" "my dad" i muttered out as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Oh Ciara. Honeypuffs please no" mila cooed while gently rubbing on my hand, which did work. "He he wants to marry me off to someone" i choked on my words while tears rolled down my cheeks "what why? " Mila screamed.

"I am sorry but what the actual heck?" I could see her gritting her teeth, something she does when angry."that's not all" i continued "h-he is gonna hand the company over to that man" this time Mila has tears running down " a potential one dad said"

We sat there no words just her gently caressing my hand occassionally and looking at me.
Her blue eyes were full of pain, she knew. She is the only one who knew. What the company meant to me. It was my grandfather's legacy, his dream, and he trusted me. he took a promise that one day i will have to be able to take care of it.

All these years each and every struggle of mine had only one motivation the 'Aaget inc.' something that is rightfully mine. i thought as long as i work hard i will get to prove myself. What a joke. I wasn't even considered from the start.

"C-ciara hey" mila tapped on my shoulder getting me out of my thoughts."hah yes" " you fine" she is worried "i will be"" ok mila let's stop with all the crying" i cheered "huh??" " Don't huh me i need to go shopping" "what?" Mila asked unable to cope up with all my crazy mess.

" I have a man to impress remember" "what?" Mila's face was a sight to see. "What what? Who knows, what if he is handsome. I don't want to have regrets" "Ciara don't fool around"

"Ok ok i just want to see in which way is this guy better than me" i said biting onto my fries."you want to scare him off" mila had a smirk on her face liking what she is hearing.

"Yes. Kind off - i will not let him snatch what's mine from me, atleast not without a fight" "huh there is my friend right there" she stated proudly while she clapped her hands together that echoed the entire cafeteria.

After that we chatted for a while before parting our ways to the class.

"Hey Ciara" caden beamed" at me while taking the empty seat beside mine "huh hii" "woah that was depressing" "huh yeah i ain't feeling at my best i guess" i genuinely answered. "Wanna talk about it Ciara" he had his concerned look on again. Adorable.

"It's better not to" i said with a smile not wanting to talk about it.
"Oh cool.--- how about this then" he said while checking through his bag. "Here found it" caden exclaimed holding up a choclate next to his face and a gummy smile.

"Thank you" i beamed while tearing the wrapper apart. " Hey cutie since we couldn't meet on Saturday how about tomorrow then" i forgot. Shit. "I am really caden, i forgot i jus-" " it's ok honeypuffs" he cooed as he gently caressed my cheek.

And for some reason I love it when he calls me that honeypuffs. What does that even meen, nothing, as mila's the one who came up with it.

"So what do ya say" caden asked once more "i am going newyork tomorrow i will be back on Wednesday" " oh i see,... Then Wednesday it is" " yes sure. How about i treat you to a lunch" i offered "hey are you asking me on a date." Caden cocked his eyebrow, "who knows. Maybe i am" i whispered leaning towards him. I mean, i am not gonna shy away, why should I.

"You are something else Ciara" he amused as he looked into my eyes. His eyes they were breathtaking.

Authors note:
Word count:1029
I hope you guys enjoyed.
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