I want both [30]

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Ciara's pov:

"How is the stake" I ask him disregarding his previous question. I see confusion flash over his face followed by a hint of aggravation.

"I believe I asked you a question first and you do not answer a question with a question" he says matter of factly.

"Oh lord can you just answer my question" i say with equal aggravation.

"Good. "

"How is it compared to your mother's"

"I don't see how this is relevant, wait are you trying to dodge my question what nonsense is this?"

"Damian Asher for once stop getting on my freaking nerves and just answer my question "

I see his eyes twitch a little and anger flash in his eyes but however he keeps his calm and continues with his answer.

"My mother's recipie is definitely better" i chuckle as soon as i hear his answer.

He gives me a weary look demanding an explanation and i oblige.

"It might shock you but this is your mother's recipie down to the temperature."

"What. No, i definitely remember hers tasting better..... what are you trying to say?"

"What i am trying to say is it's not about the designs or the marketing strategies, it is about the essence of the art itself."

"There are hundreds of jewellery brands who have top notch designs.... then what made the Aaget's stand on the top all those years..... i know Damian you believe that you could bring Aaget's inc back to its glory but the truth is you sadly cannot".

I place my fork down on the plate suddenly losing my appetite, a soft sigh escapes my mouth, I lift my hands off the table and place them on my lap, the fingers of my either hands touch each other making me sulk at how cold they are. adjoining my hands together in an attempt to warm them up i contemplate why the heck is it so cold.

I lift my head up thoughtlessly and my eyes look out through the window....

Snow, the first snow of the year, i see hundreds of chilly ashy balls pouring down, some melting midway while the other falling on to the white canvas that was made of snow and disappearing, losing its uniqueness and becoming one with many..... the irony. I think to myself as i look back at the person infront of me.

"The best you can do is make it one more successful luxury brand like the other hundred" i say with a heavy heart as all the thoughts and emotions resurface.

The room falls silent and I do not feel the need to fill in some noise I sit there looking out the window to a beautiful looking scenary of white and get lost in it.

"Isn't it the first snow, it is beautiful" i hear his calm and soothing voice waking me up from my inner turmoil.

I hum in response not caring to shift my gaze and I am sure that we both were looking out of the window.

We sat there enjoying the peace that silence brings along with it. Quietly munching on the warm delicacies infront of us, once he looked like he was done I stand up and place all the dirty dishes on the tray and take a step towards the main door.

I was about to step out of his room i hear him say something that warmed my heart and bought a simple smile on my face "thanks for the food... it was delicious"

"You might not know this but you just saved yourself from getting called a A-hole" i say asI turn back at him, I lift my head up to look at him one last time only to be entrapped within his gaze.

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