Confrontation [22]

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It was time for the linner as ours was a high noon wedding. all the guests dispersed into the dining hall to tend their stomachs.

Once everyone was scattered i and Damian descended the steps,As soon as we hit the ground i decided to head back to the guest room just for a second, two steps in and someone held on to my wrist, we all know who it is, and i turned back shooting a glare at him as i brushed off his hand.

"What" i spat. "Stay and greet our guests" he said cooly.

"You do that, i need a break" i spat yet again, i am not sure why but i don't wanna talk to him, "don't act like a child and stay" he said as he once again held onto my hand, even before i could retaliate i heard "congratulations on your wedding Mr and Mrs Asher" he beamed as he gave a side hug to Damian and smiled at me. I smiled back and muttered a thank you later he made a small talk with Damian and said his good byes, even before i could propose a break for just two minutes a couple in their mid 30's came along and strangled us in bear hugs congratulating, they were so cool and that woman was a mood we had a talk for a long time and turns out that they are second uncle and aunt of Damian. Once they are off a few more came in and it went on..

It's been 2 hours and people just kept flocking to send their greetings, but the problem isn't that. the problem is that i can't feel my left leg below my knee and it's proving to be a serious problem.

Once we got a second to breathe "hey we got a problem" i mumbled, "i know.... You." He dead panned. I glared at him "this is serious, my left leg is numb..." "What" he looked super confused. "I need a break and i am not sure if i can walk" i pouted as i glanced at my leg feeling frustrated and tried rubbing my leg a little. No avail, the pumps are the sole reason i swear.

As i heard nothing from his side i bobbed up my head to look at his face "uh-huh you can't stand for 2 hours... Useless" "oh- try standing in a 6 inch pencil thin point heel and you will be humbled very soon, don't give me crap mister" i let my anger take over.

He rubbed his forehead with his thin fingers staring into void trying to figure something, soon he said something into a microphone which he fetched from his pocket, 2 mins in and Darcy along with kathlyn came running towards me.

Relief flashed across my face as they came into my sight and soon enough i was escorted back into my suite only after strictly instructed to come back in 20 mins.

My head hung back on to the head of the fluffy couch as soon as my Back hit the seating surface, i moaned a little in relief and soon enough kicked the pumps to the side and placed my legs on the table infront of the sofa.

Darcy bought me some refreshments as kathlyn turned down the air conditioners temperature a little bit letting the room cool down a little bit. I asked them to leave the room once Darcy got me my phone.

My fingures fiddled on the screen a little bit as i typed

"i am married"
Message sent to mill's😘

That bitch, she was supposed to be my bridesmaid, she was supposed to be in every moment of my wedding so was i for hers, the irony, she didn't even attend my wedding i am partly wrong too. I had a lot of time to make up with her and a part of me says that she would come running while the other thinks she wouldn't give two shits.

However i atleast want her to know, this might not be an ideal wedding but that doesn't strike out the fact that i am married and i have a husband now. And I want to include her in this.

I couldn't stop the few drops that escaped from my eyes who am I even kidding i miss her so much so that it hurts, i quickly wiped off my tears as sooyin barged into the room, she gave me a touch up and in no time i am once again heading back to the banquet.

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