The Wedding part (1) [20]

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Finally here it was, the day i would kill to skip, it's 7 currently and i am sure my mom is gonna bang on the door in 15 or so, these 15mins are all i have to live in peace after this it's a storm.

This was no hurried wedding, all our family took their sweet time organizing this, i am sure that i will be more than just exhausted by the end of it.

But what scares me more is tolerating that guy for a whole damn day, i haven't seen him after that night, i made sure of it.
I don't know how to react honestly, i know i am in no place to question him seeing that this marriage is a mere alliance which profits both the parties, but... I couldn't deny the pang in my heart when i heard his hurried voice eagerly wanting her back that night.

i was twiddling around my thoughts when i heard a loud thud across the door. The devil is here, mom.

I took off from the bed and opened the door hastily worried what the sound was about, luckily it's just some boxes from my luggage i sighed in relief " you are fine right?" "Oh- good morning honey, sorry, did that scare you" my mom said as she squatted down picking up what fell, "i was worried if you were hurt somewhere" i said as i started helping her.

"You could have told someone to bring these in" "i wanted to see you" she said, in her soft motherly voise, she sounded so distant and worried. "Mmm" was all i could muster up.

"Did you sleep well" my mom enquired as she was sliding open the curtains letting some sunlight in, did i ever mention i prefer silent nights over radiant morning's.

"I did, and i am hungry" i groaned into my sheets unwilling to part from them. My mom untangled my legs from the sheets and ripped them off me, and started making my bed.

I sat there looking at her doing all those little things she used to do when i was not big enough to do them. She brushed my comforter one last time to avoid wrinkles and stood up looking proud with her hands on her waist, oh God she is gorgeous not at all like me, she is.... Feminine, petite and so warm to look at.

She then slowly stepped into the bathroom to do God knows what and came out after a few minutes just to grab one of the boxes she brought in and went back in.

I liked it, the comfort. it's been three days since I saw her and i finally feel at home, i decided to soak in the feeling as i curled up in the love chair bringing my knees as near to my chest as possible and wrapped my arms around my legs while i rested my chin on one of the knees.

She came out after a bit and. Faced me with a determinant look in her eyes "you ready" huh- ready for what.

After that i was dragged into the bathroom, where i got to see... my mom was readying a bath i guess... for me. She looked like she was performing some witch craft as she was pouring in some potions into the water all while grinning from ear to ear, i stared in horror till i was done with my daily routine.

Butttt oh God does this feel amazing, i was forced to undress and then wrapped in a thin fabric, my mother then told me to slip into the bath tub which i was sceptical of in the first, but as soon as I drenched my feet into the water i felt tingles all over my body the water was of perfect temperature for me and i just straight on slipped the fabric and went in, i couldn't help a moan slipping as i pulled my head back onto the porcelain in ecstasy.

I am not sure what those potions were but they have this therapeutic aroma to them, after a year long bath did i come out of the bathroom feeling relaxed.

Once out was when it all hit in that was a freaking bridal bath that had drenched with flower scents, must be the reason why i am smelling like a freaking field of lavenders, there were three maids in my room with my mom no where to be seen, every one of them were pacing around doing something, they made this humongous suite look so small.

I stood there feeling so out of place, but soon one of them noticed me. I smiled at her awkwardly "oh you are finally out miss" "hu-huh" my smile just grew more awkward if that was even possible my robe wasn't helping much either.

"Oh i am sooyin i will be helping you with your makeup" "uh- nice to-" even before i was done with the sentence "i am Kathlyn, in charge of your dressing and fitting" she said a bit hastened as she was trying to find God knows what. "I am Darcy your personal maid for the day, miss" the third one chimed in. "Nice to meet you all" i smiled.

Wow it's hitting.

Later, the three took on and oh my god everyone went rampage i don't even think that this wedding or me deserves their enthusiasm and hard work. Sooyin was the first to get her hands dirty.

She sat me doon the second i was out applying a 24karat gold facemask infused with essential oils, to help my skin rejuvenate and glow, while i was resting she started to massage my hair with i have no idea what, it felt soo good that i dozed off.

15 mins later i was woke from my slumber as it was time to remove my face mask and get done with my skin care, ones sooyin was done, kathlyn bought in my lingerie. Yes you heard it right and for that i call this family crazy.

Once i changed and it fit well kathlyn was back to pacing again and i was back to sitting in the chair with my robe on as sooyin worked her magic on my face, after a whooping 2 hours was she done with my face and prepping my hair up, we were still to do my hair, but before that... It was time to put on my wedding dress.

Kathlyn walked me to the left side of the suite which shockingly had a walk in closet i had no idea of. there laid the dress that i will be wearing. But the second i laid my eyes on the dress, i saw red.

"Why is this here" i rumbled as i could feel my anger bubbling up by every second "it's your wedding dress" kathlyn mumbled tensely straightening up. "What? This wasn't what i chose" i questioned softly trying not to scare her.

"But this is what miss Marilyn told me to pick up, it was changed at last minute, i thought you were aware, i am sure this was it i made no mistake" it was more like she was answering herself. "I am sorry mam, spare me a second i will fix this kathlyn pleaded to which i nodded my head." that was why she was stressed all this time, choosing a different dress at last minute.

How could this dress be here, the wedding starts in 2 hours and the bride's dress is replaced you gotta be kidding me now, i couldn't help the scowl that slipped out.

If it was any other i wouldn't give a damn but this one, Damian would go berserk on me telling I planned this and all. 5 minutes later aunt Lyn entered the suite looking ravishing, "oh Ciara honey sorry I forgot to tell you, your grandpa insisted that you wear this dress" you forgot.

"B-but aunt Lyn this dress is a b-" i was cut off "oh honey you see this dress is a symbol of love for the Asher family, the media would make a big deal out of it if you the wife of the heir in line do not show up in the dress, you understand right..?" Aunt lyn concluded in one breath and looked intently as she waited for my reply, "i-i-yes, i understand"
I gave in as i knew what she was saying were facts. Everything comes with a price to pay you see.

I slipped into the dress half heartedly as i grimaced the aftermath that's to come, later i kind of dozed off into my world of worries and even before i knew my dad was standing at the door to walk me to the aisle.

Finally the wedding is here you guys, i hope you enjoyed and apologies in advance for all the typos and grammatical errors.

Love y'all 💓🤗

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