Chapter 56 | On my way!

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"Yoongi?" I went into his room again for like a millionth time. "Are you going to wake up or not?" He isn't even responding. I bow down and freeze myself to notice his chest going up and down.

Thank god, he is breathing.

I cover him from the blanket from which one of his feet is peeking out. He has been sleeping for more than sixteen hours now. I wonder where the energy to sleep comes from. Lastly, his snoring confirms his unconsciousness. I make my way back to the kitchen and concentrate on the soup. Jungkook's vocals need to warm up, as he was continuously singing from past days and I could already sense a disruption in his voice last night. I fill the spoon with a little soup and gulp it down.


I grab the bowl from the side and pour the hot soup into it. As soon as I placed the bowl on the tray, Jungkook's hands gripped my waist.

"Not again, Jungkook." He lets out a smirk laugh and places his head on my shoulder. I start to move more steadily along the counter for him to stay back, but he moves along. I finally turn my head in anger and confront his swelled face. My anger dissolves and flips to a genuine, hearty laugh.

"What?" His half-smiling lips completely squint his eyes and all I can see is a line instead of his eyes.

"Your face is all swollen." He pouts and looks around, avoiding my eyes.

"You look cute." He looks back and gives me a smiling kiss on my lips.

"I told Jin hyung not to feed me with ramen last night. He is such a shirker!"

"Hush no. He took so much care of me. You know I never cooked in my house, he always came and handed me the food."

"He better should have." I sigh heavily, not understanding their relationship even a bit.

"Fine, whatever." I turn my back again, while his body stays against mine.

"My wife is too good at cooking."

The word echoed in my ears. He just addressed me as his wife? I turn back again, with his face dangerously close to mine. His expressions were playful, yet satisfied. He knew what he had just done.

"What did you say?"

"Double-you, eye, eff, ee." He pronounces each word lightly, moving his lips in and out as if I am deaf.

"I doubt it's too soon," I laugh when I clearly didn't want to and turn to the counter for the thousandth time now, but his hand is gripping my wrist hard. He spins it, making me roll over his body, while his other hand rests on my back to keep my balance intact. I look at him and his playful face is gone; his eyes are staring into me.

"If you allow me," his face is extremely close to mine, our lips almost touching. "I can make you my wife, right now."

His words left me wheezing. I am definitely not okay. His seductive face is turning me on.

"And what if I don't?" My voice was low with a hint of fear in it.

"Can you say no?" Though his face is serious as hell, I could sense the victorious smile he was hiding behind his mask of rigidness. "Try it."

I want to try, so I do without even letting myself know. My tongue trembles against my teeth. My eyes cannot stare at him anymore, because I know how embarrassing this is and how easily I am surrendering to him. I can't speak it. "No" is our forbidden word from now on. I close my eyes, my body shaking off the excitement in his arms.

"Look here," he raises my head by my chin, with his delicate finger. I open my eyes and look into his.

He's reading them, for sure.

His eyes are invading not just my body, but my soul. The gaze is piercing through every corner of mine. Instead of saying anything, he just locks his lips with mine. It wasn't lust, but an answer to all my questions he read through my eyes. And there, right there, he sealed all of them with his soft touch against my skin. Love is an answer; to anything and everything.


"WHAT?" I scream on my mobile phone, later realizing how bad dad's ear would be now.

"You should have told me a day earlier at least!"

"Oh, so I think you do not like your dad's arrival." His voice is pretending to be sad.

"It's not that, dad! I am dancing!" I make him believe that. "But you are telling me an hour before boarding. I have so much to do then!"

"Ah, don't overtire yourself. I know you are already tired of your job, let's not make me feel like a burden."

"Burden? Are you okay dad?" He just laughs, flattering himself.

"You have really become formal after our distance, dad. I'll make sure I am the clingiest person on this planet now that you're coming."

He laughs again, but warmly.

"Okay fine, my little bunny. There's the call for boarding now. See you!" I greet him back and lay down on my bed. I can't believe I am seeing him after almost half a year. I miss him so much now that it makes me cry. Though Jungkook's presence has made me less lonely here, nobody can replace the feeling I have once I am with dad. He is everything to me.

I pick myself up and head to his room. I have come back after two whole days from Jungkook's now, only because he was sleeping or else there wasn't a chance I could escape secretly. As I barged the door open, my face turned pink. We literally slept together on this bed.

What a shame.

I let go of the thought, though the memory was still fresh as of yesterday. I changed the sheets, cleaned the dust off the furniture, cleared the closet, washed the bathroom, and lastly, vacuumed the carpet. My back was aching now; I haven't done this amount of work in quite some time, mostly because of my health. But, thankfully, I feel much better now. It has been quite some days since I have used the inhaler or gone faint. Health is undoubtedly a treasure and no one can know that better than I.

I can't wait to meet Dad and tell him about Jungkook. Would he be okay with this?

Time will tell.

Time will tell

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