Chapter 62│Pal

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"Are you okay, dad?" I ask him, fixing my rear mirror.

"I am good," he almost whispers.

"I am sorry, dad. I should have told you about this. But I didn't know how I would have explained all this on the phone," the windscreen is the best way to avoid looking at him.

"It's okay, don't worry." He is surprisingly calmed.

"I could have never imagined Jung Woo as him. He has groomed so much." He states.

"I mean, yeah! Did you know dad, I slapped him first when he told me."

"No wonder," he holds the upper handle, as I make a turn.

"I mean dad, I was so frustrated at him. That old-time was so terrible and it started playing in front of me." He nods.

"Dad, do you still hate them?" I know I have been assuring Jungkook that he doesn't hate him, but I need to make sure that's the case.

"No, sweetheart." He lets out a light laugh. "There should be no hate for people who are from your past. They are always better than the new ones."

I smile. His compassion is greater than what I think. "And I don't know whatever feuds you had with his father, he is gone now after all."

"Feuds?" he questions me.

"Yes. You had business clashes with his father, didn't you?" I make the last turn, but dad remains silent for long.

"Dad?" I yell to bring him back into the conversation.

"Yes, yes. I had some. No, I had many." I have never seen him this confused before. He is thinking. His memory is not that bad that he has some trouble remembering about it, something is fishy.

I stop the car in front of the building.

"You go, I'll park the car." He nods and leaves the car.


[Next day]

I put up the last touches on his face, making sure he is not missing anything. He is sleeping, so deeply that he doesn't flinch. He had been playing games with Jin the whole night, knowing that he has to attend his formal lunch today with the executives of the state. The boys are quietly sitting outside after I reprimanded them for this non-serious behavior. And I am angry at Jungkook too, but I am so proud of him as well. He has become a global star and contributed so much to this country. He's a gentleman.

I lightly tap the powder on his face and go back to the table to arrange all of my makeup equipment. "Get up and change, so that Jimin can do your hair."

I turn back, expecting him to be sleeping, but he is finally awake now, though his eyes are puffy.

"Get up, already!" I try to act rigidly to remind him not to repeat this.

"You don't look good when you are angry." He says. I roll my eyes and turn my back on him.

"Come here," he grabs my waist from both of his arms and pulls me towards him. My feet move back without any stop and my hips gently land on one of his thighs. He puts his all-glowing face on my shoulder and hums the song he wrote for me.

"No, this won't help," I say right away recognizing the song.

"You want me to write a new song for you?"

"You can't convince me every time like this," I say, my cold behavior is at the edge of disappearing now.

"Okay, I am sorry. I should have taken care of that. I won't let Jin sleep another day in my house." I turn my body sideways to see his face and he grabs my thighs to place them over him. I am in his lap again.

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