Chapter 68 | Care

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My eyes open from the cold touch against my forehead. The place is unknown and I almost panic seeing an unknown man standing by my side. I clench my eyes and scream to my mind to remember this face. I open my eyes again and I am sure I don't know him.

"Who are you?!" I jerk his hand off my forehead, but he doesn't react.

"Hana, he is a doctor, don't worry." Namjoon's voice makes my heart relax, but I cannot see him anywhere. I try to sit down and when Namjoon's big hands help me sit against the bed, I take a long sigh of relief. He's standing right next to me.

I look up and the doctor, who is a middle-aged man, inserts a thermometer right in my mouth. I examine Namjoon's room, while my fever gets tested. As expected, his room is quite spacious and empty, but filled with so many paintings on the walls. Nothing has a direct meaning when you look at them at first, but certainly, I have studied two of them and the meaning is deeper than well.

The doctor takes out the thermometer and studies it, his eyebrows jerking up and down.

"It's still 99 degrees," he says and writes something on his writing pad. "Also, she hasn't eaten in at least twenty-four hours."

"Hana? You haven't?" Namjoon stares at me and I just nod remembering the pasta dad made me. Things could have been so different.

"Doctor, her nose was also bleeding last night." Namjoon makes sure he gets every part of mine checked. The doctor looks at me and then writes something again on his notepad.

"Do you have asthma?" The doctor asks suddenly. "Yes." He nods.

"It's because of her respiratory issues. I would suggest you visit your doctor as soon as possible because the symptoms don't look so good." I could read the worry on his face, he isn't lying.

"Other than that, her fever is probably due to cold and excess of anxiety." He faces Namjoon and hands him the paper that he has been filling for the past few minutes.

"I have written a few medicines for her fever." He looks at me. "Make sure you visit a doctor please before things go worse."

I hope they do.

I nod and the doctor packs his bag that he has barely touched.

"Let me see him off, I'll bring your breakfast here." He walks off with the doctor. I struggle and get on my feet. It feels so much better now. My body is acting well, and nothing is numb, just that I feel cold due to my fever. I walk to the restroom and wash off my face. My eyes are swollen and I could barely open them. I apply a bit of toothpaste to my finger and try to brush my teeth with it. It's probably Namjoon's room as I could see his belongings in the bathroom. I finally stand straight and look at my weak, yet swollen face. When I am about to leave the restroom, I suddenly cough onto my hand and feel something weird. I distanced my hand, but I guessed it before my sight cleared it for me; blood. I walk back and gurgle many times. At this time, I don't even care what's happening inside me. I walk to the room's door and open it to see Namjoon in the kitchen.

"Oh, you are out? I was just bringing you food." He picks up the tray and walks to me.

"Can I sit on the sofa?" I ask him.

"Sure," he takes the tray and places it on the table and I follow him.

"You look much better now. I have made this soup, though I may not be good at cooking, but umm."

"Namjoon, thank you. I'll always remember your kindness." He smiles and walks back to the kitchen, definitely blushing at my compliment.

"Finish all of it. I won't let you go until you are done licking the bowl."

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