Season 2 Chapter 2: Moving on

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-1 year later-

"Umm can I have a medium iced coffee and two vanilla macaroons"

"One medium iced coffee and two vanilla macaroons...that'll be $7.30"

"Here you go"

"Thank you, have a nice day"

"You too"

"Hey killua"

I turn and see my friend feitan standing at the door waving at me.

"What's up feitan"

He walks up to the register and gives me a fist bump.

"I see you been doing good"

"Yeah I've have my days you know"

"Yeah yeah I get you. So how you holding up"

"I'm holding up just fine"

"Good good. So have you thought about my offer"

"I don't know feitan...I don't think I'm ready to be in another relationship right now.."

"Come on killua it's been a year you can't be hung over still about this"

"Yeah a YEAR I just can't get into another one right after what happened"

"Come on man you gotta move on some time like just thi-"

"Look can we talk about this later when I'm off my shift?"

"Fine but when your done with your shift, call me okay?"

"Yes I call you when I'm out"

"Okay well I talk to you later then killua. Bye"

"Bye feitan"

Right as Feitan left the shop I turn to my phone and open it finding a picture of him as my wallpaper. Just looking at it hurt, why was I doing this to myself.

He's dead and I'm still mourning over him. It's been a year since he's passed away and I just can't quit, it's like, like, like a drug that I can't get rid of, I'm just so addicted to him.

I was lost in thoughts before my boss comes to snap his fingers in my face.

"Uhhh earth to killua? You have a customer."

Immediately I look up and saw the customer and then my boss.

"I'm so sorry, I've seem to have spaced out for a bit"

"Yeah I noticed, now get back to work"

"Yes ma'am- I mean sir"

Gow embarrassing, face the register and go back to doing my job. Now I feel like shit again, what am I gonna do.

-2 hours later-

My shift was finally over and I got to go back to my dorm. I open my phone and remembered to call Feitan. I wait for a bit until he picked up the call.

"What's up. Already done with work?"

"Yeah I'm barely just leaving, so what is it that you want to talk about again"

"Like I've said there's this chick I know and I showed a picture of you to her and she seemed to dig you"

"Are you serious Feitan"

"Listen. I'm not done talking yet"

"Go on"

"She said that she would like to go on a date with you"

"Bro you already know my answer, I don't want to be in a relationship now"

"Okay Listen man just give her a chance you might get to like her once you know her a bit."

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