Season 2 Chapter 3: Missing body

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-A bit before the date-

"Look I don't know how but he's- I mean the body is missing"

"But that doesn't make sense how could a body just go missing??"

"That's the thing I don't know?"

I was puzzled how could have Gon's body dissapeare? Is what I was thinking. I was on the phone with Leorio and he had called me telling me Gon's body went missing.

"So tell me leorio, have you told the authorities about it?"

"Of course I did. What do you think I am stupid?"

"I'm not saying that you are stupid okay. Geez.."

He's just a total dumass, that's what he is.

"The police are looking for the body and trying to look for clues at the place he was last placed at"

"Isn't that gonna be impossible? It's been already a year since his death, won't it be useless now?"

"Dont talk like that kurapika I'm sure they'll find his body."

"I really do hope so...have you told killua yet?"

"No I haven't and I really don't have time right now. I really need to go back to work right about now"

"I see. Would you like me to tell him?"

"If you could that would be great. Thanks alot kurapika"

"It's really no problem, I'm glad to help in anyway"

"Yeah, then I'll see you later right?"

"Yeah I'll see you when you get off work"

"Alright then. Bye kurapika"

"Bye leorio"

We both hang up the call and I was already gonna call killua to let him know about the situation.

I dial his number and wait for him to pick up, it rings for a bit before he picks up the call.


"Hey killua"

"What's up kurapika how you doing"

"I'm doing fine. What about you? You holding up just fine?"

"Yeah I doing alright. I'm actually about to go on a date"

"Your...going on a date?"

That's weird killua's going on a date?

"Yup, I honestly don't wanna go but if I don't feitan is just gonna keep bothering me"

"Ah I see."

"So what you'd call me for?"

For a momment I didn't know whether or not I should tell him.

"I suddenly just forgot what I was about to say. I'll call you again if I remember"

"Uh... alright. See ya later then"

"Yeah see ya later"

I hang up the call and put my phone away. I felt as if I didn't want to ruin his day with this news and he really had a hard time trying to get over him, maybe I shouldn't tell him.

A guilty conscious came over me when I had thought of that, but I ignored it and decided to just not tell him.

Probably I should tell leorio and let him know.

-Some time later-

"So we're just not gonna tell him?"

"Yeah I think it's for the best."

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