♥ eight ♥

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"Okay, first we're going to talk about the major perks. They feel anything you feel," she stated, looking from her actual list to me. 

"I still can't believe you actually wrote a list." 

"Shush!" she demanded, shoving her finger against my mouth. I rolled my eyes and tugged her arm away.

"Okay, so they can feel what I feel?" She nodded. "What the hell does that mean?!" I threw my hands in the air before she continued.

"Basically it means, if your hurt, they will feel it. If you are happy, they will be happy. If you're sad, they'll cry too. So don't go killing yourself!" I lazily nodded as she continued.

"Two," she held up two fingers. "You'll get all the love in the world. You will be treated as a literal queen. Soulmates are meant to love each other. They already have space in their heart saved for you." I nodded.

"Three! This is like having 7 older brothers to protect you. Except for their not brothers, they're much more. But, I know you always wanted an older brother so-" 


"Four. THEY ARE CELEBRITIES! WORLDWIDE. CELEBRITIES!" She threw the list at my face before hitting me with a pillow. 


"YAH GET OFF ME!" I shouted, hitting her with a pillow and shoving her off the couch.

"Read the rest yourself." I grabbed the list and sat back, skimming through the pages. 

"I stopped at 56 but I still have more to write," she shrugged, sitting next to me. I nodded before giggling at 52. 

"You get seven first times u virgin" I broke into a laugh as she nodded proudly. 

"I can't believe you have more after this," I snickered, reading through the last 4 reasons. I handed her the list and bit my lip. 

"I-I think I'll learn to like soulmates. I'll try," I told her, standing up. She jumped up and hugged me tightly. 

"Invite me over some time so I can meet them!! I want Jimin's autograph!" 

"Wait wait. First off, they're my soulmates."

"Wow look who's getting posessive~" she teased. I scowled.

"And second, who's Jimin?"

Her jaw dropped for the second time in the past hour. "INTENSE RESEARCH SESSION START!"

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I groaned, rolling across Jugyeongs bed. A yawn came from my side before a thud followed. I jumped up and peeked over the side at a groaning Jugyeong, planted on the floor.

"Your fault for putting me through that. I'm pretty sure I have the boy's birth to present memorized now," I commented, propping my head on my palm. She glared up at me from the ground before slowly standing up and stretching her arms. 

"Life sucks~ I hope I get seven soulmates," she whined before padding to the bathroom and turning the shower on. 

"Wait so um I'm kinda warming up to the idea of soulmates. W-when can I meet them?"

The water stopped before she came running out in only a towel. 

"First I'm super happy for you! Second. THEY ARE CELEBRITIES! MAYBE YOU MISSED NUMBER 4 ON THE LIST?!" 

I sighed, laying back down and staring at the ceiling. "I know but...there's gotta be some way to meet them. Right?" I asked. She pat my head before turning back and hopping back in the shower.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Wait so let me get this straight. Your soulmates are BTS?" Sunmi asked. I nodded as I grabbed my laptop. 

"Oh hey, my job interview is tomorrow," I mentioned, opening the old email.

"You signed up for a job? When did this all happen?!" she asked, running to the kitchen for some popcorn. 

"This morning. It's been a long day. I spent most of it at Jugyeong's and then I came back home before hanging with you." She nodded her head before feeling over the marks on my thigh.

"That's so cool. How are you gonna meet them?" she asked, turning on the tv.

"No clue. Maybe I could call in and be like, "I'm their soulmate." 

"No way you can do that. They might think you're some crazy saesaeng." 

"Ew never." She hmphed before sitting down with the bowl of popcorn.

"Well think about it while watching the movie. We'll come up with something."

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Rlly short chapter. Sorry! She'll meet her lovers soon~

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