♥ thirty eight ♥

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Vai pov:
I sat staring at the wall as my thoughts swirled around in my head. My phone buzzed again, pulling my from my train of thoughts.

I reached over and turned it on, only to multiple messages from my mom. Sighing I blocked the number and continued to stare at the wall.

My arms cradled my legs as my body instinctively rocked back and forth. A common habit for when I couldn't control my thoughts.

The more I thought, the more I got sucked into the black hole I possibly might never get out of. A spiral of uncontrollable emotions and feelings.

A knock made me flinch before snapping out of the trance. I got off my bed and silently padded to the front door.

Another knock made me sigh. "Coming!"

I cracked open the door and peeked out. I'm not going to lie I wasn't that surprised to see Y/n looking back at me with a worried expression.

"Y/n? How'd you know where I live?" I asked, opening the door further.

"Jungkook told me. Can I come in?" My eyes widened a little as I remembered Jungkook had known where I lived since highschool.

Nodding, I opened the door for her as she walked inside. I shut the door and turned to her. She was examining the apartment with a small smile on her face.

I chuckled at the memory of Jungkook when he first saw my apartment. He was shocked at how I had decorated it. With multiple colors and many cultural pieces I had brought from India with me.

As a child, I had grown up with very busy parents and the rule to never disturb them during work hours. It was a tough childhood, not having your parents there for your every milestone but I managed. Somehow...

Then highschool came around and I started to get less confident in life. It didn't help people would whisper about me whenever I entered a room or passed through a hall.

I started to get anxious and insecure so I told my parents what was happening, expecting them to fully support me. Instead, they said what people were saying was true and that I had failed at the role of their daughter.

They gave me a decent sum of money and told me to never appear in their lives again. I agreed. They hadn't been the best parents anyway.

I took the money and decided to go to South Korea. As I had taught myself Korean growing up.

I had enough money for a ticket and some food before enrolling in a lower level high school and finishing my studies in a student dorm with roommates who were never home.

However, in my Junior year I met a certain somebody who I now call one of my best friends. Jungkook helped me get over a lot of my depression and soon offered me a job at BigHit to help with finances. It was a nice distraction from my past and anxiety problems so you could always count on me to be there.

So now, I had gotten better and hadn't had any problems until last night. My mom called out of the blue pulling me into a panicky state.

First, I don't know how she got my number. And second, she had to be calling for a reason and I doubt it was a good one. Her call and messages triggered a chain reaction of anxiety to travel throughout every vein in my body.

Seeing Y/n helped calm my nerves but I knew she would want me to explain. And I did not have the energy for that.

I followed her into the living room and sat down on a small plush, orange seat. She sat across from me on the large blue sofa with nothing but a glass table between us and a small vase of Hibiscus flowers.

"You don't have to explain. Jungkook gave me a summary...I just wanted to check if you're okay." Her words pulled my from my slump.

I looked up and gave her a small smile. She was so kind and fragile. The world didn't deserve someone as sweet as her. I hoped the boys would treat her well. She seemed like just the person to tie them all closer together.

"I'm okay. I'm assuming he told you about my parents?" I asked. She nodded hesitantly.

"It's okay to talk about it. I'm past it now but my mom called me last night. I don't know what she wants but I don't want anything to do with her," I said, shaking my head.

She nodded before getting up and walking to the kitchen. She grabbed two mugs and some tea bags before heating up some hot water.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You need some tea. And a nice warm meal. If we're going to want everybody at work to think you're sick," she gave me a wink before working on chopping veggies. I giggled before sitting down on one of my bar stools.

As Y/n was cooking I watched her work away. She could cook like Jin and I knew it would make him happy. I continued to watch until I noticed her hand was wrapped.

"Hey whats with the bandage?"

She looked up and smiled before sliding the veggies into a pot.

"I have no clue."

I looked at her, confused.

"I mean. I cut myself and some weird stuff happened." She shrugged.

"Weird stuff?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean after I got the cut, all the boys got the same exact cut on the same hand."

My jaw dropped. "You mean they got the same injury as you?!" She nodded again.

"Oh girl holy- you better not go risking your life or breaking your leg." She giggled as she served up the soup into a dish and handed it to me.

"I'll try not too haha. I have to go because I promised to be somewhere tonight but I hope I'll see you at work tomorrow?" She grabbed her coat and put it back on before drinking the rest of her tea.

I nodded and said goodbye as she left. Once I closed the door my phone started ringing. This time I knew who it was.

I picked up my phone and scowled. My dad.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Now you know Vai's backstory!! Hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will be out later or tomorrow! 💜

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