♥ eighty eight ♥

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Important A/N at the end of the chapter!! I will also provide translations!

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"YOUR SISTER IS YUNA?!" Jimin gave an outburst before they all started asking questions. I gave an exhausted sigh, making them all go silent.

"Yes. She's my sister." 

"Wait how? Isn't her name Shin? Yours is Yun."

"Can we go home before I explain anything?" I asked, turning to Namjoon with puppy eyes. He sighed reluctantly before nodding. I could tell he didn't want to drop this conversation as much as the others but he was putting me before any of the others. I smiled before entering the last van at the venue.

It seemed like Jin was speeding to get to the hotel. I sighed quietly before leaning my shoulder against Taehyung. "I'm tired," I murmured. Today had been quite traumatic. What with losing my necessary medicine and all.

"I am too baby," he replied quietly, resting his head on mine. I smiled, intertwining our fingers together.

"I hope I'm not dreaming," I whispered. He lifted his head before leaning in front of me and pecking my lips.

"If dreams were as real as life."

I smiled brightly before hugging him even tighter. 

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

We arrived at the hotel soon enough, with multiple tired bodies stumbling from the white van as soon as we parked. We dressed in our disguises before making our way inside.  "你好。一切都好吗?" 

(Hello. Is everything okay?)

We were stopped by a woman in the lobby. I recognized her as the receptionist from our check-in. I smiled and bowed to the older woman.

"对。我们都好了,  谢谢。你叫什么名字?"

(Yes. We're fine, thank you. What's your name?)

To put my Chinese skills to use!

She smiled at me before voicing her surprise. "你的中文说的好。我的名字是利恩。你呢?"

(You speak Chinese well. My name is Lien. You?)

"我叫y/n。很高兴见到你。" I bowed again before leading my soulmates to the elevator.

(I'm Y/n. It was nice meeting you.)

"I'm still stunned," Hoseok chuckled before patting my head.

We made out way up to Jin's room where we all took our own seats. Jungkook sat on the ground, opening his arms and making grabby hands for me. I giggled before sitting on his lap and snuggling against him.

"So, please explain." I sat up straighter before diving right in.

Well, I'm 3 years older than Yuna so for three years, our family was a perfect trio. My dad's name was Yun Wunwoo and my mother's name was Shin Sua. Till the age of 8, my parents worked hard to make sure I was doing well in my studies. But I always had a feeling Yuna was the favorite. She always got first pick and the better option in most cases." I paused before continuing.

"When I turned 9, my father left one day and never returned. My mother, who had just lost the love of her life fell into a deep depression that I couldn't get her out of. She started treating me worse and worse until I completely quit most of my studies. I continued to play piano until the age of 10. The only reason I stopped was that my mother burnt my music sheets and lesson books. So, there was nothing to learn from anymore.

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