♥ ninety three ♥

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Guys...I hit 50 followers! You have no idea how happy that makes me...I see so many other authors with a whole load of followers and I think, "their hard work is my inspiration." So I am making it my goal to make readers so happy to read my books that they follow and read many more to come! I love you guys :) 

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I stared at the small marks on my right thigh before turning my gaze to something a bit more interesting. I gazed out the window at all the shops as raindrops began dripping down the windows. My heart warmed at all the familiar signs and stores. I loved traveling but Korea was forever my home.

We had just gotten back from Japan last night and to say that wasn't a traumatizing experience would be...a fat ass lie. I was even more terrified than before. I wasn't able to rest easy knowing Seojun, my original stalker, was still out there. And behind bars or not, Sora still scared me. And the thought of Vai, my friend, betraying us like that? It made me want to never socialize again. 

I also suspected Sora had poisoned Nayeon so she wasn't an obstacle in my kidnapping. Don't get me wrong, it was terrifying and a horrible experience that no one should have to go through, but I didn't want to dwell on it. All I could do was hope it would never happen again. 


I flinched at the sudden call before turning from the window to Taehyung. He squeezed my hand gently before smiling. 

"I asked if you're excited?"

"Oh! Yeah. I guess now we can find out what's really going on with us," I half smiled before turning back to the window. However, I didn't separate our hands, keeping his warmth selfishly to myself.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

We piled out of the car, our umbrellas and disguises up. We all followed Hoseok as he led us into a luxurious-looking apartment complex. Accents of gold and silver made the large building stand out compared to the colorful buildings further down the street.

I gripped Namjoon's hand as we all entered a large elevator.

"Are you okay princess?" he asked quietly. I nodded despite the nervous jitters surging through my body. I didn't know why I was so nervous but I guess it was just one of the tiny things that made my brain overthink past the maximum overthinking space. What if something was wrong with us and that's why we had weird things happening to each of us? What if we aren't really soulmates? What if-

I was interrupted by the elevator doors opening. Hoseok eagerly walked out as we all followed the excited boy. He practically sprinted down the hall before knocking on a door marked room 777.

We waited patiently for a few seconds before the door opened and Hobi excitedly embraced the woman. I peeked past Jin's broad shoulders, my jaw dropping. The "friend" Hobi had referred to during the tour was a foreign woman with crystal blue eyes. Based on her appearance she seemed Ethiopian which surprised me, even more, when she greeted us in perfect Korean. 

I glanced at the others but was even further surprised when they didn't bat an eyelash and continued to do their famous greeting.

"My name is Hamra, it's nice to meet you all." She greeted us before letting us all into the spacious apartment. 

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