♥ eighty one ♥

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I watched in awe as Hobi easily lifted my suitcase out of the car and right into the lobby of the unsuspicious apartment complex. "Wow," I mumbled, catching up with him. We rode the elevator to the seventh floor and came to a small door. The only door on floor seven. 

"I still can't believe you guys have a whole floor to yourselves." He smiled at my astonishment before opening the door and announcing he was back. Immediately a stampede of boys rushed from all directions, swarming me in hugs and kisses.

I giggled, trying to push them off me but the maknaes wouldn't budge. "I never want you out of my sight again," Jimin mumbled, his grip tightening on my waist and giving me butterflies.

"God we were so scared," Jungkook sighed, nuzzling his face in my neck. I smiled, patting his head as Tae pressed a kiss to my nose.

"I'm sorry for panicking. I don't know how he found my house," I explained quietly. The younger boys let me go, giving Jin access to totally tackle me in a hug. I was surprised but treasured the warmth.

"Please be cautious when you're not with us." 

"I will Jin. That gave me a scare enough," I wrapped my arms around his waist in a small, affectionate hug.

"Uh, she's always going to be with us. Either that or she has a personal bodyguard." Yoongi was blunt but I could tell he was swimming in his emotions at the moment.

"I don't need a bodyguard," I protested stubbornly, letting go of Jin.

"Well, you have to understand why we would appreciate it if you had one," Namjoon tried reasoning but there was no way some random man was going to follow me into the bathroom because I wasn't allowed to have privacy.

"And you have to understand I don't want to spend 24/7 with a random bozo."

Taehyung snorted, trying not to laugh while the others just sighed.

"Fine no bodyguard. But promise us you'll be extremely safe if you end up alone," Namjoon sighed. I smiled before nodding. 

"I promise."

"But she won't be alone with how clingy I've been recently," Tae clutched onto my arm, dragging me against his chest.

"You have no idea how much of a pain he's been these past few days. Always pretending one of us were you," Yoongi complained, turning to the kitchen to probably grab a snack.

"Seriously?" I turned to Taehyung who just nodded with a small pout on his face. I giggled, pressing a small kiss to his lips and running out of his arms to a room upstairs. He laughed, chasing after me, his feet fast on the wood floor. I quickly opened a door and hid behind a bed. Taehyung slowly entered the room after me, searching in the closet. I rolled under the bed and tried not to laugh as I watched his feet. Eventually, I lost sight of them, making me confused until someone grabbed my feet and dragged me out from under the bed. I shrieked as I flung in the air and into Taehyung's strong arms.

"Can't hide from me," he giggled, rubbing his nose against mine in an eskimo kiss. I smiled, leaning my forehead against his.

"I guess not."

"Alright lovebirds get out of my room before Y/n has another problem to deal with," Jimin rolled his eyes, leaning in the door frame.

A blush spread over my cheeks as I took in his appearance. His fluffy, wavy blonde hair fell in a messy fluff over his forehead while his legs were trapped in grey joggers. His top half was covered by a green sweatshirt that looked two times too big for him.

"You done staring honey?" he questioned with a smirk. I buried my face in Taehyung's hair with a small peep. He chuckled, jumping on the bed with a satisfied smile.

"Sweet dreams by yourself Jimin," Tae giggled, running out the door with Jimin suddenly chasing us.

"Hey what-" Jungkook was cut off by my shrieks and the two arguing. Jungkook, being himself, decided to tackle Taehyung as Jimin stole me and ran back to his room. He quickly locked the door and grinned as soon as two sets of pounding could be heard.

"Losers," he teased. I shook my head with a smile. 

"You know they're gonna murder you tomorrow right?" 

"I know," he shrugged before picking me up again and laying me on the bed. He snuggled beside me, pulling the covers over us.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled my head into the crook of his neck.

"Jimin-ah," I mumbled. He hummed, preoccupied by searching through the tv for something to watch.

"Can I kiss you?"

His finger stopped pressing buttons as he looked down at me with a small smile.

"Baby, why are you asking?" I shied away, hiding in the pillow.

"I don't know...maybe you don't want me to?"

His smile dropped as he pulled me onto his lap. "We have shared so many freaking kisses and you think I don't want to taste your vanilla lips?"

"Vanilla lips?"

"Your lips taste like vanilla." He leaned closer before whispering into my ear, "And I for one love vanilla." I smiled before capturing his plump, pink lips in a kiss. It was passionate and full of love that none of us wanted to end.

"God I love you so much," he muttered once we pulled apart, panting quietly.

"I love you too."

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Short chapter. Well shorter than usual. It was definitely a filler chapter but China is soon to come! I think it was China next...guys im going crazy was it China or Japan! Well anyway...  


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