♥ twenty ♥

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Here we are! The 20th chapter already!! Feels like I just started this book and it's already getting so much love. Ty guys sm! Enjoy!

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

My eyes started to close almost as soon as the movie started. Oh no. I pouted as I slowly started to drift.

"Y'know you can fall asleep right?" someone whispered from beside me. I slowly turned to see Yoongi smirking.

I sighed and nodded, turning back to the tv. I tried to keep my eyes open as long as possible until they completely closed and I fell onto someone.

No one's pov:

Yoongi felt a light weight drop on him in a matter of seconds. Smiling softly he adjusted so Y/n would be comfortable on his lap. He looked over to Jungkook who was looking longingly at the girl and then to his Hyung.

Sighing quietly, he nodded, giving the youngest permission to lay down as well.

Within 5 minutes there was a pile of three spread over each other, entangling their limbs as they slept.

As the movie ended, 8 bodies were thrown across each other, dead to the world. And Lion King apparently.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Aww you slept with them?!" Sunmi cooed as we walked to the corner store.

"Ugh don't say that so loud! I'll sound like a garden tool," I pouted, lightly punching her shoulder.

"You innocent child," she shook her head, laughing at me.

"Ugh whatever. But yes! Thankfully I woke up before all of them and was able to escape the chaos. They all look so cute while sleeping though!" I giggled, remembering their peaceful faces.

However I couldn't shake Yoongis face out of my mind. His eyes peacefully shut. He looked like a little kitten.

Wanting to cry at the memory you shook your head, coming back to the real world.

"And then what happened?" she asked.

"They texted me to make sure I made it home and no one kidnapped me," I smiled, a small blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"Of face it already girl. You enjoy being their soulmate!" Sunmi sighed, wacking the back of my head in a playful manner. I glared at her as we entered the convenience store.

"Maybe I kinda like them..." I mumbled, quiet enough for Sunmi to pass by me and straight to the candy.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I signed in, making sure I was accounted for when my shift ended.

Today the restaurant was quite empty. Which was a relief because Suho was gone visiting his parents and Yunhai was in and out of Ajummas office. I hoped it wasn't anything too bad.

I picked up my notepad and stood over by the host counter. Different employees I wasn't really friends with taking orders around me in a tired manner.

Why did everyone seem so tired today?

The bell rang, notifying me of a customer's presence. Looking up I froze. I took a deep breath and tried to keep my composure.

"Table for 3?" I asked, already starting to grab three menus. They all nodded with smiles on their faced. Even through their masks I could tell they were excited for some reason.

I motioned for them to follow me to the back where we would be able to talk more privately. I seated them at a table and waited as they took their masks off.

"So what are you guys doing here?" I accused the 3 innocent looking boys. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin.

"Well it was supposed to be a surprise but we couldn't handle keeping it a secret!" Taehyung giggled. The others smiled widely.

"O-kay? What is it?" I asked, placing their menus down in front of them. Even though I was suspicious they didn't even want to eat.

"We got you a job offer at BigHit!" Jungkook and Jimin announced at the same time.

Now. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. My jaw dropped to the ground.

"Sweetheart you'll catch flies," Jimin teased, moving so he could close my mouth. I shook my head frantically.

"Guys I can't do anything! What job could you have possi-" Out of the corner of my eye I saw Yunhai watching us with a proud smile on her face.

Slowly I turned to glare at her and made a throat slicing motion with my hand. She shrugged with a smile before running away.

"Costume designer!" They said in perfect harmony. As expected.

I took a deep breath before opening my eyes again and focusing on them.

"Uh w-when am I supposed to meet them for the interview?" I asked, stuttering a little.

"Tomorrow 10 a.m at BigHit!" Jungkook smiled, giving me a thumbs up. I nodded my head silently, overwhelmed by my thoughts.

"W-what if I'm not good enough?" I asked. Their faces softened into gentle smiles as Jungkook pulled me into the seat beside him.

"Don't worry about it. Just think about what will happen after. We get to see you're beautiful face everyday," he whispered, tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear. I gulped, a hot blush flushing my cheeks.

"Jungkook don't tease her. She gets flustered easily," Taehyung said, giving me a wink. I covered my face with my hands as they broke out in laughter.

Fine two can play that game. "Okay well I'll see you guys tomorrow morning," I said before leaning over and giving them each a kiss on their cheeks.

Malfunction. That's the only word to describe what happened to all 3 of them as they froze, faces turning a mad red.

I smirked, waving to them. "Bye~"

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

The next morning my alarm started screaming in my ear once again. Except today I had something to do.

I jumped in the shower and got changed into a sweatshirt and leggings. This will do. It was starting to get colder out anyways.

I dried my hair and put on light makeup before looking at my full outfit in the mirror. Well this is stupid. I'm supposed to be interviewing for a costume designer. AND IM WEARING THIS!

This will not do. I ran back to my closet and grabbed a colorfu sweater with puffed sleeves and a pair of black sweatpants with stitched patches on it. Now this looked a lot more stylish.

I jumped into my car and started driving towards the company. However once I got there, I stood stiff.

I was going to mess this up.

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

Okay almost there! My friend will come soon!

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