♥ seventeen ♥

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I tried not to look as Taehyung was checking out. He bought the dress as well as a couple shirts for him.

I know for a fact though if I saw the price I would pass out for sure.

As we exited the store I kept trying to convince Taehyung to let me pay him back and hold the bags.

"Y/n, it's fine just let me do it. It's my treat alright?" he sighed. I ran and stopped in front of him, frantically looking for someplace I could pay him back. He stopped in front of me and giggled, seeing my frantic state.

"Food!" I shouted then quickly covered my mouth. Why was I so loud?? I cleared my throat as he continued to smile.

"I mean...would you like to have lunch? I'll pay!" Without waiting for his response I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the nearest restaurant that had caught my eye.

We took a seat and scanned through the menus. When we had decided, our orders were placed and we sat quietly.

"Tell me about yourself Y/n. I mean besides the fact you look great in Gucci," he teased.

"Ah Taehyungggg," I groaned.

"Call me Tae. It's a lot cuter when you use that nickname," he winked, making a wild blush spread across my cheeks again.

"And the fact I seem to be good at making you blush."

"Okay! I get it i get it. You want to know more about me. Well there's nothing much to tell besides I used to play the piano in school and I'm decent at art. I love fashion although you couldn't tell by the clothes I wear and I've always been the person to do their own thing. I wasn't very popular in school either," I explained. That's it. My life in a nutshell I guess.

"Hm well obviously people at your school were blind. I'd be swooning over you," he smirked, making me blush. AGAIN!

"Whatever," I mumbled. Our food came a little later and we enjoyed it.

"Thanks for today but I think you have a practice to go to, right?" I glanced at the time and smiled. He nodded, looking at the time as well.

"Thanks for hanging out with me. You're really pretty- I mean fun to hang out with!" He teased again before pulling me into a hug.

My eyes widened at the small show of affection before I slowly hugged him back. What was this feeling?

 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I collapsed on my couch as I turned the tv on. Man was today exhausting. He pulled me to every store possible and bought me a Gucci dress. Which- by the way I was going to shove in every one of my friends faces cause...why wouldn't I?

I got up and carefully hung the dress up, making sure it didn't get smashed between all my other clothes. I smiled at the dress before closing my closet and looking at my room. Well, specifically my bed.

I dove under the covers and snuggled into a ball. Life was getting much better.

But- what if they were just acting? I mean was what Taehyung said true? Did they really always have time for me? Or was he just saying that.

I sat up in bed with a pout. My mind always had to ruin it and now I was overthinking again. Slowly I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen where I grabbed my sleeping pills.

Then I went and changed into a large shirt and shorts. Sighing, I got into my bed once more and shut the lights off. Going to bed early isn't too bad of an idea.

 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

An alarm in your ear. What every person wants to hear when they wake up.

I slowly got out of bed as I peeked through the blinds. Why did I have an alarm again? I mean I didn't have anything to do-

Just proves I'm trying to be normal like everyone else. I shut off the alarm and got out of bed, jumping into the shower.

When I got out my phone buzzed with a new notification. I grabbed it once I was dried off, expecting to see a text from someone but instead it was a newsfeed update.

I narrowed my eyes and clicked on it before a large page with a cover picture of BTS appeared in front of me.

I tilted my head in confusion before looking for a headline. BTS TAEHYUNG SPOTTED WITH GIRL.

Fear. Fear was the first thing I felt. How did anyone recognize him and see me?!

I scrolled through the article seeing a picture at the end. It showed the back of Taehyung sitting on the Gucci waiting room couch and a girl who looked fairly like me in front of him with the dress on.

Well crap.

 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I paced my room, biting on my nail as the phone next to my ear continued to ring. Finally someone answered, making me breath a sigh of relief. 

"Taehyung! Have you seen the picture?" I asked quickly. He hummed from the other end before answering. 

"Yeah I'm heading into a meeting right now because of it. But don't worry! None of this was your fault," he said softly, easing my nerves a little. 

"It's blowing up! How are you so calm?!" I blurted out, flopping on my couch and turning on the tv. 

"Well because the picture is a bit blurry and from a distance. The lighting isn't the best and neither is the angle so you can't even tell if that's me or not. People are only believing that because they have nothing else to believe. Really don't worry Y/n. I'll protect you if I have to. We all will," he explained. I bit my lip. A nervous habit. 

"You really analyzed that picture huh?" I asked, a smile breaking out on my face as I heard him laugh. 

"Yeah but you on the other hand are recognizable so you might want to wear a mask or change something so people don't recognize you," he told me. I nodded. As if he could see that reply. 

"Okay. Be safe and I hope the meeting goes well," I mumbled. He sighed from the other end. 

"It'll be fine. You'll get instructions of what to do when the meeting is over and dispatch is taken care of. It's okay. I'll talk to you later Y/n," he said goodbye and hung up. 

I sighed, rubbing my forehead. This is all my fault and now his career could be messed up...

NOPE. We are not overthinking now Y/n. Come up with a solution. Come on.

I jumped up from the couch as a smile crept onto my face as I eyed something in front of me. Perfect. 

 .⋅ ۵♡۵

Double update!

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