♥ twenty one ♥

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"Oh God here we go," I mumbled to myself as I entered the doors. I will never get used to coming into this freakishly clean building.

"Hey Y/n! 2nd floor 4th door to your left!" The woman at the front desk directed before I could even ask.

Oh no they're all expecting me. Guess I can't run out now.

All my confidence out the drain. I shifted on my feet as the familiar elevator music started to play. Black swan. Of course.

Ever since becoming the boys soulmate I started listening more to their music. It's surprising for me to say I haven't thought about Felix once since my birthday.

But now I could recognize the majority of their songs and decently sing a good amount of them.

The doors opened, revealing a surprised Jin. Except I was frozen. Stuck in my thoughts.

"Y/n?" He asked, snapping me out of it. I jumped at the sudden sight of Jin in front of me.

"I'm gonna be late!" I cried, running past him and to the 4th door on the left. He looked at me puzzled until the elevator doors closed on him.

I knocked on the door and waited silently till I heard the okay to come in.

I slowly entered, taking a seat right in front of the big man. (Boss=big man I'm not calling him fat)

"Hello Ms. Yun. Please don't be nervous," he smiled warmly. I returned the smile but my hands were shaking.

"My name is Park Jiwon and I'm the manager here at BigHit. Now I am correct you are here for the costume design job, right?" He asked. I nodded my head.

He chuckled. "Well the boys told me they found out you were a good designer and studied it for a few years in college, correct?" I nodded again.

However inside I was very curious as to how the heck they found that out.

"Well here is a template of a silhouette of one of the boys. If I were to give you a concept, could you create a clean sketched outfit for me?" I picked up the template and looked at it. Seemed like it was Jimins body.

"May I test that?" I looked up and smiled, grabbing the pencil he handed me. I took a deep breath and nodded. He smiled and thought for a minute.

"We'll go simple. Please give me a dark concept for Jimin here," he motioned to the page. Aha so it was Jimin.

I have to admit this is nerve wrecking but I already have an idea. It involves some harnesses ;)

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

"Well Ms. Yun I must say I and the head of our designing team is very impressed. You seemed to get the concept perfectly and it also matches Jimin very nicely. May I ask a couple more questions?"

I nodded with a proud smile on my face.

"Okay well where do you work now?"

"A small restaurant in the busy part of the city. Not many people come but I get paid well and that's where I met the boys," I answered, loosening up. He seemed satisfied with my answer as he wrote it down.

"Why would you like to fill this spot?"

"I'd like to take this position because it will get my creative juices flowing and I've had a deep love for fashion since being a kid."

He asked a few more questions before standing up. I followed suit, grabbing my bag.

"Well I certainly like your style Ms. Yun. Welcome to the BigHit family," he smiled warmly, holding his hand out. I shook his hand firmly before leaving his office and shutting the door behind me.

I slumped to the ground, finally letting go.

"Y/n?!" Namjoon called, directing my attention to down the hall.

"That-" I pointed to the office room before continuing. "Was nervewrecking."

"Was it really that bad?" He asked, wincing slightly and handing out his hand. I nodded, grabbing ahold of it and launching myself upwards.

I realized I used too much power when I ran into him, right up against his chest.

I looked up as my face flared red. He smirked, dimples coming into full view. Sneakily his hand snuck around my lower back as he leaned closer to me.

"Well I was just on my way to ask you something anyway~" he whispered teasingly.

"Uhh what did you need?" I asked, leaning back with a small blush.

"I need your help with something. Will you come to my studio?" He asked, releasing his hold on me and stuffing his hands in his pockets. I nodded, following him as he started down a hall to the elevator.

"So did you get the job?" he asked once we were in the elevator. A smile broke out on my face as I nodded. He smiled as well, deep dimples appearing.

"That's great. Now I get to see you around more often!" He said clapping his hands in excitement. I giggled and followed him out or the elevator to a door he entered. I went through as well and took in my surroundings. Jugyeong and Minsu would only dream of being in here.

"So this is where the magic happens?" I thought outloud. He smiled, sitting in a chair infront of a fairly large computer.

"Nah you should see the Genius Lab. If Yoongi let's you in of course. The guest list is limited," he sighed, typing in a password quickly and opening some new tabs.

I hummed before sitting on a comfy chair in the back while hugging a Koya pillow.

"Hm Namjoon what did you want to ask me?" I asked, curious as to why the rapper needed me.

"Oh I wanted to ask you if this beat sounds good?" He held up a pair of headphones and motioned for me to come over. I jumped up from the seat and joined his side, letting him put the headphones on me and click through a couple things.

A few seconds later a beat started to play. It was the perfect mixture of hip hop and lofi. Giving it the Namjoon feeling.

"It sounds really good Joon!" He smiled at the nickname and took the headphones back before pressing a kiss to my cheek shyly. My eyes went wide as he looked back down at his keyboard.

"Sorry," he mumbled. I giggled quietly, bending down and giving him a small kiss on the cheek. I need to be a better soulmate. He blushed madly before I turned to the door.

"Oh Namjoon where's Jimin?" I asked.

"Practice room," he mumbled, still red.

"Alright thanks," I smiled and left his studio and out to the hall.

Now. Where's the practice room?

.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I'm on fire! Love u and thanks for reading!

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