angry lady

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Well my parents soon left to have dinner with my grandparents and aunt

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Well my parents soon left to have dinner with my grandparents and aunt. We were alone but not long after our dad got home and started to drink, something definitely happened.

Shortly after my mother came they started to argue again but this time about our grandparents.


Me and my siblings were walking behind Seok twins and Mrs Shim the parents called out for my mom and we walked in the classroom.

My mom walked in "I'm the head of the art department who will oversee your admission ceremony, as you know there is no top student this year so Joo Seok-kyung and Ha Junghwa who came in 2nd and 3rd will hold a recital." Seok-kyung and I stood up "please give them a hand" everyone clapped for us.

"The admission ceremony is a very important event which boasts its tradition many famous musicians will be invited as guests. Not only junghwa and Seok-kyung but all of you must practice hard" mom added

We all started to practice and Seok-kyung sang first then, the song had 2 people singing it so we both took turns.

The school day quickly ended and we went home but we found out Mrs Shim had another daughter they she died this afternoon so seok twins went to her funeral.

2 months later

I got closer to my brother and my parents. But much more closer to my brother.

We were practicing again but I noticed that Seok-kyung she sounded a bit off and sick, she couldn't sing her part I look worriedly at her my mom stopped the class and Seok-kyung begin to cough.

"Seok-kyung your cold has gotten even worse, tomorrow is the admission ceremony but you're not in condition to perform, you should go to the hospital"

Seok-hoon stood up "I don't think Seok-kyung will be able to do the performance"

"I know you practiced really hard, so I'm sorry it has to be this way" mom added.

"It's an important performance and we can't ruin it because of you" Seok-kyung looked really sad I rubbed her back and hugged her a bit

"We need someone to replace Seok-kyung but we don't have much time is there anyone that would like to volunteer?" Eunbyeol raised her hand "I'll give it a try"

"Really? Are you confident?" Mom asked "yes let me give it a try."

"Then let's have Eunbyeol do the solo" I smiled because my sister was going to do it with me "I'd also like to give it a try" bae Rona raised her hand my smile dropped in disappointment I don't really like her she did any rude things to me in the past.

"Rona have you lost your mind? Your voice doesn't match junghwa's perfect voice you should know your place" Jenny said to Rona

"Then why don't we listen to both of your performances and choose the person that does it better who wants to go first?" Eunbyeol and Rona looked at each other after mother advise that.

Rona sang first and I hated singing with her she makes me uncomfortable when Eunbyeol finished bae Rona and Eunbyeol stood next to each other "I enjoyed both of your performances now I'll decide"

Mom stopped speaking for a moment then spoke "this song was better performed by Rona in all aspects" I looked a bit shocked "Rona you can perform solo tomorrow"

"Thank you Ms Cheon I promise I'll do my best" bae Rona said happily. When class was over I went to my mom "why did you pick her?" I asked disappointed she was silent and looked around "she's not going to perform you and Eunbyeol is, she's going to have to deal with something"

I didn't get it but atlest Eunbyeol and I will perform Infront of our grandparents and other famous people.


It is the day of the performance me and Eunbyeol we're wearing beautiful while dresses and the others too but it was shorter.

I was drinking warm water and warming my voice but. "Get ready" our mother walked in.

"This was supposed to be your guys stage, your grandfather is here"

Then she looked at Eunbyeol "you need to show him that you're future owner of Cheon Ah High School"

I look at Eunbyeol "good luck" and she says the same to me.

Before we got on stage I watched Seok twins do a pledge then all the performers got on stage.

We got in stage there was many people but I strayed call and controlled my breathing, I look at Eunbyeol one last time and smiled.

When the performance ended I saw our dad was the first one to stand up and clap, mom Eunbyeol and I bowed when we finished. But Seok-kyung looked like she just cried and looking at Eunbyeol dead in the eyes.

Then my mom had to make a anouncment people started to bring the trophy in

"hello I am Cheon seojun the head of Cheon A Arts department for 50 years cheong a arts high school sent countless students to Seoul national university and at the center was cheong a arts festival, cheong a arts festival celebrated all fields such as music, fine art and dance, it was a driving force that helped us teach and build up many worldwide artists but unfortunately 25 years ago due to a terrible accident caused by a excessive competition the festival was cancelled. Today I announced that the Cheong a art festival will be revived!"

Everyone cheered at that statement "until now everyone who received this trophy entered Seoul national university top of their class and their careers were bright and celebrated the revived Cheong a art festival will be open led to student of all ages" everyone cheered again and all students for excited.

We all got changed and we went to see the trophy in it's case.

I walked up to my Principal room and I quietly opened it and started to say how my mom tried to kill them, but that was a complete lie she only told them a wrong time.

"I guess people never change" mom got angry slammed her hands on the desk and got up "I'm the one who should be angry, your daughter almost ruined a show we prepared for two months"

"No nothing would've been ruined because you decided to put your daughter on the stage all along, listen carefully Cheon seojin. Mr Ma Doo Ki having her learn a German song for entrance exam Rona ended up on the waiting list and putting the emergency parents meeting you tried to canceling Rona admission I know your behind it all"

I got really mad hearing what this women said I know she's still mad after everyone believing my mom side of her story of the trophy.

There's even security footage my mom showed it but didn't watch it because he was still in love with that lady.

The conversation ended and the lady pushed me out of the way.


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