rich kid

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Well after that punishment we got send back to our classes, but Minhyeok was being very how do I put this in words touchy? Not in a bad way just be touched me more than usual.

Well the seok twins were busy so I didn't go home with them and Eunbyeol I don't know where she is.

But me, Minhyeok and jenny we're walking to Hera palace but bae Rona wouldn't stop following us and Minhyeok had his arm over my shoulders, Junghwan looked protective but since he was stoping him all day he got tired of telling him to stop.

We waited at the elevator because Jenny and Minhyeok wanted to say something "what now are you visiting Seok-kyung again?" Jenny remarked "why do they keep hanging out with someone who doesn't belong here?" She added.

"This elevator is for residents only" Minhyeok said slowly making sure she hears what he is saying. "The elevator for help is behind you so please get lost"

I sighed "I'm going home" I told them and went in the elevator. But bae Rona came in I looked at jung-hwan confused but he just shrugged. We didn't talk to her but when the elevator came "do you guys want to go first? I know you guys have been waiting here longer than me"

"Ah no thank you we will take this elevator up" I said she bows signaling thank you.

When we got in I went straight to my bed and laid down on it and went on my phone, there was something going on that was really popular.

"A man and a women died in a car accident today this afternoon they seem to be in their early 40's and mid 40's as yes I forgot to add their names for by Mae Jung-ho and Choi Ji-woo, being owners and multi million hospital. They had a will saying they give all their money and plots to their a kid that goes by the name Ha Junghwa, that is all for today"

I gasp "oh my god" Junghwan looked at me "what happened" I showed him my phone.

I talked to my father about it because he was the one who is about to have ownership at a hospital, he said I had the money but not the plot yet. I wasn't allowed to have it till I was 18 and it doesn't have a owner yet so I had my father take care of the hospital till I'm 18.

But I also need a medical degree.


Today at school my teacher told everyone there is a ambassador for school it's open for 4 people. 2 Boys and 2 Girls.

"Raise your hands if you wanted to try" well my friends raised their hands and I did same as my brother

Well it was a break and I watch Eunbyeol confess to Seok-hoon again I couldn't tell if she got rejected or not.

But I kinda felt what Eunbyeol felt I liked Seok-hoon but I'm starting to lose feeling but I get jeleaous of bae Rona everytime he stares at her or talks to her but I try to keep my cool.


We all gathered to bae Rona place Seok-kyung ringed the door bell bae Rona opens it "what are you guys doing here?" She questioned.

"Our classmate became our neighbor of course we would visit you" Jenny smiled Seok-kyung walked up "it's braised short ribs" she gave her the food "my mom wanted me to share it and I wanted to see you too surprised?"

"No I'm not come in" bae Rona smiled

Minhyeok rudely walked in first then Jenny Eunbyeol and Seok twins then me and jung-hwan.

"Ms oh I'm sorry but we like to hang out by ourselves today" Seok-kyung said very nicely "oh right I'm not good at picking up social cues you guys stay until late so have fun" she smiled then left.

Almost everyone started to make fun of the good but Seok twins, me and my brother didn't. "What's wrong with you? Your words are so rude" Seok-kyung said "aren't we all here to get close" I said I grabbed a teokbokki "this is good" I said.

But then Seok-hoon grabbed a fried shrimp "gosh look at you" Minhyeok said rudly at Seok-hoon "Seok-hoon is eating food at someone else's house? Let me try too" I laughed at his response.

"Junghwan you should try some" I grabbed him a pieace of food "open your mouth" I said "I'm not a child" he said but I put the food in his mouth when he opened his mouth to speak.


This morning at school Jenny was yelling "has anyone seen my hairpin"

"What hairpin?" I asked worriedly "you know that hairpin that my dad send from Dubai" she whinned "you mean the one that has diamonds on it?" Seok-kyung said "where did you leave something si expensive?" She helped Jenny look.

When the teacher came in he had everyone have their hands on their heads "there's been a robbery case in our school which is absolutely unacceptable the stolen item is a hairpin with diamonds on it and because it's such a pricey item, I have no choice but to check your belongings" he went to bae Rona first.

"Rona open your pencil case" he demanded she went to open it and there were cigarettes "what is this do you smoke?"

"No, this isn't mine" she yelled "then why was it in your bag?"

"But I swear it's not mine I really don't smoke" the teacher grabbed her bag "how dare you lie to me did you also steal Jenny's hairpin" he dumped everything out.

Everyone gasp when a porn magazine "bae Rona what are you going to say about this? Who taught you to bring a porn magazine to school?"

"I promise this isn't mine" she yelled again "someone put it in my bag on purpose!"

She ran to Jenny "Jenny it was you want it you did this didn't you?" She grabbed on Jenny shoulders and stared to shake her "what are you talking about!" Jenny removed her hands from her "I'm already upset about losing my hairpin! My dad bought me that hairpin for my birthday!"

Jenny pushed bae Rona on the floor and Seok-hoon got up "I never liked your attitude and the way you talked to me follow me to the teachers office" Mr Mu said she started to beg that wasn't hers.

Late outside on a school break "don't you think bae Rona deserved that?" Seok-kyung said happily "I didn't have to do anything if I knew she was like that I wouldn't have gotten close to her" Seok-kyung stop walking.

"It was you who put the cigarettes in her bag right?" Seok-hoon pointed out "what are you talking about it wasn't me"

"You went inside her room yesterday" Seok-hoon said "Eunbyeol also did you can't blame her it could have been Eunbyeol" I said to Seok-hoon.

"Well yes I did go in her room but it wasn't me don't you trust me?" Seok-kyung said her voice slowly getting quiet.

"Are you going to lie to me as well?" Seok-hoon yelled "I'm disappointed in you" Seok-kyung looked shocked.

"Seok-hoon! Joo Seok-hoon!" Junghwan yelled walking over to Seok-hoon who was walking away.


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