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"Happy birthday, Petal."

Tears slowly trickle down Tony's cheeks as he stares down at the grave in front of him. Today would've been Y/N Stark's 18th birthday.

Tony looks up to see that he isn't the only one crying.

Steve and Bucky are leaning into each other for comfort as they stare down at the grave of the girl who was their goddaughter. Beside them is Sam, who is trying to stay strong for the sake of his friends, but his facade is starting to fall. Behind him is Thor and his brother Loki. While Loki hardly knew Y/N as a child, he was there to comfort his brother, who still feels responsible for the girl's death even though he had nothing to do with it.

On Tony's left, he can see Vision holding Wanda as she sobs into his chest. Bruce is watching Natasha clean the area around Y/N's headstone and carefully place all the bouquets of flowers they brought for her. Tony knows she's only doing it to keep herself busy in hopes of not bursting into tears in front of everyone.

Lastly, there's Peter, standing next to his father as he stares down at his little sister's grave, whom he misses with all his heart. He still wonders if there was anything he could do that could've saved her.

"When is Pepper coming?"

Tony darts his eyes over to Bucky, who is looking at him with a nervous look on his face. He knows it's the question everyone has been secretly wondering, but Bucky seems to be the only one brave enough to ask.

"I've been told that she is coming by later with Morgan. I'm surprised she even knows what today is."

They can all see the bitter look on his face as he thinks about his ex-wife. Y/N going missing caused an enormous strain on their marriage. Tony blamed Pepper and Pepper blamed Tony. While her kidnapping put a strain on their marriage, nothing compares to what the news of Pepper being pregnant did.

It was two months after Y/N's disappearance when Pepper finally decided to tell Tony the news. She had discovered she was pregnant two weeks after Y/N was taken from them. She decided to wait and tell Tony because he was hardly home as he looked for any signs of Y/N every day. After a month and a half of keeping her pregnancy from Tony, she finally decided to tell him as she was starting to show slightly and she hoped to get his mind off of Y/N. She too wished more than anything to have her little girl back, but Tony was going to end up dead with the way he was going.

She thought telling him would make their lives a bit better, but it only made it worse.

"Tony, can you please sit down and have dinner with Peter and me."

"I can't. My little girl is somewhere out there scared and alone and wondering when her dad is going to save her."

"You won't be able to save her when you pass out from you being malnourished. You've hardly eaten in two months. You've lost some weight and not in a healthy way. I want her back here just as much as you, but when we find her, I want to be well enough to hurt those who have hurt her."

Tony grumbles something angrily under his breath as he stands up behind his desk in his little home office.

"Fine. I will eat the dinner you made, but then I'm coming back in here, and I'm not leaving until I find something."

They walk to the kitchen of their little cabin. When they adopted Peter at three months old, they decided that living at the compound full of accident-prone heroes with superpowers and special abilities was not the best idea. They moved into a cabin in the middle of nowhere so they could live their family life in peace and away from the dangers the rest of the world brought.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now