Chapter 11

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When Y/N opens her eyes again, she notices she's no longer in the empty room she was in before. She's now strapped to a chair and Peter is strapped to another one in front of her. He's staring at her with a scared look in his eyes.

"Oh, thank god," Peter sighs in relief when he notices Y/N awake, "I thought you might've been dead."

"Not yet," she mumbles, looking around the room they are in.

She and Peter are the only ones in the room. It's a lot brighter than the previous room she was in, but it's just as empty.

"I guess we're even now," Peter states.

Y/N gives him a confused look, "Why do you say that?"

"Well, I got mixed up with your hunters. Now, you're mixed up with my hunters. Well, technically they aren't my hunters and I have no idea why they attacked us, but they're a part of my world and not yours. I'm going to stop talking now because I feel like I'm rambling." Peter says in one breath.

"Yeah, I'm still so confused," Y/N laughs a little.

"We've been captured by Hydra." Peter informs her, "I know because of the logo on the clothes they were wearing. They're a terrorist organization. They experimented on my uncle Bucky and my aunt Wanda. They also experimented on my aunt's brother, but he's kinda dead now. They are also the reason my sister is dead."

Y/N thinks back to what the voice she heard said to her, "I think they know me or maybe they have me confused with someone else. They kept calling me Shadow Wolf. They also asked if I remembered them."

"Who did you see?" Peter asks with a concerned look on his face.

"I didn't see anyone. They spoke to me from like a speaker or something. I couldn't recognize their voice, but I think they expected me to." She struggles against the straps holding her down.

"Good luck trying to get out," Peter states as he watches her struggle, "I tried for about ten minutes until you woke up."

Y/N continues to struggle against the straps holding her arms and legs against her chair, "I'm sure werewolf strength is better than spider strength."

She stops struggling for a moment to try and conjure a knife out of her shadow behind her, but nothing happens. She tries again—nothing happens.

"I think they drugged us with something," Peter tells her, "I can't even feel my spider-tingle."

"Oh, ew, I don't want to know about your tingles," Y/N pulls a disgusted look on her face.

"I'm not talking about those kinds of tingles!" Peter quickly exclaims, "My spider-tingle helps me sense danger and stuff."

Y/N signs in relief, "I was very concerned as to why you were worried about your tingles at a time like this."

They chuckle a bit until the only door in the room opens. A masked man wearing all black steps into the room. He has a syringe in his hand.

Y/N rolls her eyes, "Is that supposed to scare us?"

The masked man silently walks over to Peter.

"Don't touch him!" Y/N exclaims, struggling against her straps in an attempt to break free and help Peter.

The man injects the yellowish liquid into Peter's neck before exiting silently exiting the room.

"Oh my god," Peter starts freaking out thinking of all the possibilities of what the injection could be, "I'm gonna die. I'm so going to die"

"Calm down. Maybe it's nothing," Y/N tries to soothe him, "You'll be okay. We'll either get out of here soon or my friends will find us."

"Shadow Wolf, I hope you're ready to play my favorite game," The same voice from before booms throughout the room, "Earlier we gave you a little something to null yours and Spiderman's powers. In about an hour or so, that drug will wear off but the one we just gave Peter won't. Can you save him, Shadow Wolf?"

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now