Chapter 30

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It's been three days since the incident and Derek still hadn't woken up. His body will twitch occasionally but there hasn't been any type of sign that he should be waking up soon. Deaton and Melissa check on him every day and they have both reported that he's doing fine but there haven't been any signs of improvement. They're the only people Y/N has seen other than Stiles and their dad.

It's been three days since the incident and Y/N hasn't left his side since. She's gotten up to use the restroom or shower one time when Stiles made her but those are the only times Derek has left her sight. She's scared that she'll miss something or that he'll wake up and she won't be there. He's always been there for her, and she will be there for him.

Every time she sees one of his fingers twitches or hears a slight difference in his heartbeat, she gets a little excited thinking that he's finally waking up only to be disappointed when he doesn't. She spirals more and more as time passes by. It's only been three days and she feels like she has gone through every stage of grief twenty different times.

Denial. She doesn't want to believe that Derek might not ever wake up. Every time Deaton or Melissa tries to remind her that it's a horrible possibility, all she does is deny, deny, deny. She refuses to believe that it's something that could even happen. She refuses to believe that there's a possibility that one day she might wake up in the morning and never again be greeted by his beautifully messed-up morning hair and his breathtaking lazy smile and green eyes.

Anger. She's angry at herself for not noticing something was off or for letting him push her out of the way or for not doing enough for him after he was shot. She's angry at Deaton and Melissa for not doing enough or trying harder to fully heal him. She's angry at Peter for thinking about the Deadpool and she's angry at Meredith for going through with it. She's angry at Stiles for trying to take care of her as if she's the one who may never wake up. Lastly, she's angry at Derek for taking the arrow that was meant for her and for leaving her to possibly mourn for him if he never wakes up.

Bargaining. She'll occasionally whisper deals to Derek in hopes that he can hear her. Sometimes she'll promise that she'll stop getting wrapped up in the trouble Scott and Stiles seem to attract if he would just wake up. Sometimes she'll promise that she'll do whatever he wants in bed if he would just heal himself and break free from the coma he's in. She will even occasionally try to make deals for whoever or whatever is out there that supposedly should help her. Whether she's speaking to the universe or God or some gods and goddesses, she just wants Derek to wake up and she's willing to do anything for that to happen.

Depression. This is the stage she's in the most. She barely sleeps and she hasn't eaten much in the last three days. Stiles will sometimes make her a sandwich or a little snack, but they mostly go uneaten. He finally convinced her to eat something when he told her that she couldn't be there for Derek if she starved herself to death. She didn't finish the meal he made her but at least she ate something. Over the last few days, she's only gotten a few hours of sleep. She's afraid to take her eyes off him. What if something happens while she's asleep?

Even though she hasn't been able to sleep, she hasn't left their bed except when necessary. There are times that Stiles might check-in in the morning and by the time he checks in at night she's still in the same spot she was earlier. He hates seeing her in the state she's in. Sometimes when he checks on her he can see silent tears falling down her face and sometimes he can see where the tears have dried but the sad look in her eyes is still there.

Acceptance. This was the step she continues to skip. It's only been a few days, so she isn't ready to accept the worst. She doesn't even like accepting the situation Derek's in now. Sometimes she likes to convince herself that he's just sleeping a bit late and not in a coma. She knows she needs to accept that this is the situation they're in and that she needs to take care of herself, but she doesn't want to. She's not sure if she ever will. She can hear when Stiles is on the phone telling people that she'll get better and accept what happened eventually, but if Derek never wakes up, she's not sure she will ever accept what happened.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now