Chapter 19

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Scott, Stiles, and Derek pulled up to the sheriff's station in Stiles's jeep. Stiles knew that his dad would already be at work and his cruiser parked in front of the station proved he was right.

"My mom should be here in a minute. I told her to meet us here before she went to work." Scott informs them.

"How the hell am I going to tell my dad all of this?" Stiles sighs, tapping his keys nervously against his steering wheel.

"I should be the one to tell him that she's gone." Derek states from the backseat. His harsh gaze hasn't left his hands since he got in the jeep.

"Why you?" Stiles turns around to look at Derek with a confused look on his face.

"When we told him we were dating he made me promise to keep her safe. I've broken that promise." Derek states, his gaze moving from his hands to Stiles.

"Technically I'm the one who broke that promise. I was the one in the car with her when she was taken."

"He's not going to see it that way." Derek shifts his gaze back to his hands.

"My mom's here," Scott states, watching his mom pull into the parking lot. They exit the jeep and walk towards the station as Melissa does the same.

"I have to be at work in an hour so this better be good," Melissa grumbles, walking into the station with the boys walking in behind her. "Where's Y/N? She doesn't have to be at work for another few hours. Why isn't she with you?"

"That's what we're here to talk about," Stiles mutters under his breath, walking into his dad's office.

The sheriff looks up from the paper he's going over on his desk as they walk into his office, "What's going on?"

"Dad," Stiles takes a deep breath, "we need to talk."

Scott closes the door behind him as he walks in behind his mom. He locks the door before closing the blinds in the office so no one can see their conversation. "Mom, you might want to sit down for this as well."

Melissa gives Scott a confused look but sits down on the couch without any questions. Scott just told her that it was urgent she met them this morning and she's just hoping it isn't another creature attacking Beacon Hills. Or worse, another one of their friends is dead.

"Where's Y/N? Is she at work?" Sheriff Stilinski questions.

"Um, no, um...Y/N was, um, taken last night," Stiles informs him with a guilty look on his face.


"She was taken by a group called Hydra. They're a terrorist organization. They're also the reason Y/N is the way that she is." Derek states.

"Wh-What does that mean?" Melissa asks. Why would some terrorist organization have any interest in Y/N?

"They're the reason she's a werewolf and they're the reason for her other abilities as well. They had several projects and she was called Project Shadow Wolf. They gave her her abilities and they put her through tests to enhance her skills and stuff. Their goal was to eventually use her as an unstoppable weapon." Stiles explains quickly. His hands were flying everywhere during his explanation.

Melissa and Noah feel like the wind was just knocked out of them. This can't be real. This doesn't make any sense.

"I-I don't, um, I don't understand. She was five when she came to us. Did she know about this all along?" Noah rubs his hand down his face in a stressed manner.

"She was actually four and no, she didn't know. Someone has put a block in her mind preventing her from remembering anything," Scott informs him.

"How do you know all of this? If she was taken last night and she was taken by some huge terrorist organization, then how do you know?" Melissa questions them.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now