Chapter 16

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After the Avengers finish their sweep of the Hydra building, they head towards the top floor to Sam and the pack. Steve is carrying an unconscious Peter in his arms as he leads the way. Everyone was upset and frustrated. They found Hydra's base and they found Peter, but they didn't find Y/N.

"She has to be here! Why would they leave Peter but take her somewhere else?! That doesn't make sense!" They can hear Scott yelling as they approach Sam and the others. When they turn down the hall, they notice Sam and Scott are the only ones there.

Sam notices the Avengers walking towards them, "Did you find her?"

"We looked everywhere," Tony sighs with a defeated look on his face, "She's not here and there's no evidence of her being here either."

"Where are the others?" Bruce asks. He's now in a new set of clothes after his previous clothes were ripped when he turned into the Hulk.

"They don't trust you and are searching the place themselves," Scott tells them. "Are you sure she's not here?" Scott doesn't trust them either, but he knows one of them has to stay and talk to them.

"We looked everywhere! We even tore down walls just in case they hid her inside of them!" Natasha yells out in frustration. She feels responsible for them missing so much of Y/N's life. If she hadn't found that bracelet and those bodies, they wouldn't have thought that she was dead and they could've kept looking for her. They could've found her years ago.

"Look again! She has to be here!"

"She's not." Wanda calmly tells Scott, "We've looked with our eyes, we've looked with our powers, and we've looked with Tony's technology. She's not here."

Bucky's metal arm goes through the wall next to him as he punches it in anger. He's pissed off. He's pissed off at Hydra. He's pissed off at Fury. He's pissed off that they didn't find Y/N. He's just extremely pissed off.

Steve hands Peter off to Bruce as he walks over to Bucky. He understands what Bucky is feeling and he knows Bucky is probably blaming himself in ways that aren't his fault. Steve is doing the same thing. He blames himself for giving up. He blames himself for not watching her enough at Peter's birthday party. He blames himself for being the reason she's not here now.

"Scott!" Malia yells out Scott's name, running towards him. Everyone is looking at her with curious eyes. "Derek found something." She turns and runs back toward Derek as the others follow her except for Bruce who stays behind with Peter.

They follow her down the hall to a large semi-empty room. The only things in the room are two chairs, a discarded bow, Derek, his uncle, Kira, and three dead boys. As they walk into the room, they notice Derek and Peter inspecting the bodies. Kira is looking at a safe next to Peter.

"She was definitely here," Derek states, looking up towards Scott, Malia, and the Avengers. He's kneeling over a boy whose throat appears ripped out.

"How do you know?" Natasha questions him.

"Her blood is on the floor." Derek points to the blood trail on the floor.

"How do you know it's hers?" Tony asks, staring at the dead boy on the floor.

"By her scent."

The Avengers look over to Scott for an explanation, "It's a wolf thing."

"She lost quite a bit of blood. Someone stabbed her with an arrow." Peter states, inspecting a broken arrow in his hands that is covered in Y/N's blood. "She's not dead, but she was hurt at one point."

" she kill him?" Steve quietly asks, his eyes wandering over the dead boy Derek is kneeling next to.

"She actually killed all of them," Malia states. Pointing to the two other boys on the floor. One of them has an arrow through his heart and the other one has his throat slashed.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now