Chapter 6

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It's currently 3:00 PM and Y/N is out on an afternoon jog in the woods. She's usually at work at this time, but today she has the day off. She decided to use her free time to try and get her mind off the Deadpool. It's been a few days since she found out about it, and it just can't seem to leave her mind.

Her music is blaring in her ears as she runs deeper into the woods. There is a slight breeze in the air that cools her warm skin. The sun peeks through the treetops, lighting up the forest. She is oblivious to her surroundings as she tries to get away from her thoughts.

As she attempts to focus on her breath, she doesn't notice the other oblivious figure swinging from tree to tree. She tumbles to the ground as another body collides with hers.

"What the fuck?" Y/N groans out.

Peter runs over to Y/N's crumbled body, "I am so sorry! I wasn't paying attention, and I didn't mean to run into you! Sorry!"

"You're fine," she replies, wincing as she sits up from her position on the ground, "I wasn't really paying attention either." She looks around for her earphones that fell out during the collision.

"I still should've been paying attention," Peter tries to look for any injuries he might have given her, "I'm so sorry. Are you hurt? Do I need to take you to the hospital?"

"Please, take a breath," she continues to look for her earphones, "I'm fine. Nothing's broken or anything."

"Are you sure? Maybe we should take you just in case?"

"I'm fine!" Y/N slowly stands up from the ground, "I am a nurse. I think I would know if I wasn't okay."

"Right, right." Peter looks her over for injuries once again, "I'm just making sure. I promise I didn't mean to crash into you."

"And I promise I didn't mean to run in front of you," she smiles at him.

"What are you doing out here?"

She starts to wipe the grass and leaves off her clothes, "Well, my brother's with his friends, and my boyfriend's at work so I decided to go for a jog. Clearly I should've been paying more attention to my surroundings. What are you doing?"

"My leg finally healed up," he points to his previously injured leg, "so I decided to get away from my overbearing family and swing around in the forest. Oh my God, please don't tell anyone that you saw me doing that."

"You know I already figured out that you're Spiderman?"

"What, me? No..."

"You do realize that when I fixed your leg, you told me that it would only take a few days for your leg to heal, and you admitted to having advanced healing? I even said I was used to dealing with unusual patients and you never corrected me. You also never corrected me when I called you an Avenger. Plus, basically, everyone knows. You just haven't publicly confirmed anything," she states.

"I, um, I... okay, I am Spiderman. Please don't tell anyone!"

"Your secret is safe with me." she pretends to zip her lips shut, "So why are you and your family in Beacon Hills? This seems like a bit of a random place to be for a bunch of superheroes."

"We have a lake house that's just right outside of town. We haven't been here in years, but we decided we needed a much-needed break." Peter answers.

"Why haven't you been here in years? Is it because saving the world can get busy?"

Peter turns his eyes towards the ground, "Oh, um, we–"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Y/N interrupts, noticing his uneasiness at the question.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now