Chapter 25

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"Why does the universe hate me?" Y/N groans and flops down on her and Derek's bed.

"Maybe this doesn't mean anything. How can we be sure that people are going to know it's you?" Stiles tries to reassure her.

"Everyone is going to know it's me!" Y/N whisper-yells in frustration. "Who else would it be?!"

"They could think it's the Y/N who lives down the street from our place," Stiles tries to come up with an explanation.

Y/N gives Stiles a deadpan look, "Right. People are going to think a 90-year-old woman is Y/N Stark."

"The name change should probably be the least of your worries. The price on your head has been doubled. No one is going to care about going after us anymore, they're only going to be going after you." Scott states, sitting down next to Y/N.

Y/N rolls her eyes, "I genuinely don't care about how much I'm worth to these people anymore. People knowing who I am is not going to stop with just the people who have this list. It's going to get out and who knows what's going to happen."

Stiles sits down on the other side of Y/N, "You won't be able to keep pretending you don't know who they are. It will also be worldwide news. People will become invasive in your life and your life will be completely different." Stiles sighs and flops down on his back. Both he and Y/N are staring blankly at the ceiling above them, "You've been reunited with your billionaire dad and your brother who's fucking Spider-man. Your entire family is made out of superheroes. One of them is an actual god. You've even got a sister who, according to the internet, has only met Tony and the others a few times because they want nothing to do with her."

Stiles knows that he shouldn't make any of this about him but it's so infuriating. Y/N is his sister, and he doesn't want anyone to take her away from him. He knows that to an outsider that might sound a little suspicious but having her as his sister is one of the best things that the universe has blessed him with. He knows that she probably could've had a better childhood with the Avengers, but he couldn't imagine his without her.

They were best friends when they were younger. Even though she was two years older than him, she never pushed him away and loved hanging out with her younger brother. She even loved doing stupid things with him and Scott when they became friends. She was there for Scott when his dad left. She was there for all the nights he stayed up talking about the cute redhead he met in first grade.

Most importantly, she was there when their mom died. That was when their relationship changed a lot. Not only her relationship with him but with their dad too. He can never remember her crying or breaking down in front of them. She always felt like she had to be the strong one. Even now he knows she's in pain but she's never going to let them know that. Their mom dying hurt them all and she decided she had to be the one to take care of them. It wasn't her job, but she did it anyway.

He remembers her holding him as he wept at the funeral. He remembers her hiding their dad's alcohol so he wouldn't drink away his sorrows every night. On the nights that he did drink, Y/N would always be there with some food and water so he wouldn't feel as bad in the morning. Their mom used to pack them lunches in the morning and Y/N made sure to get up early every morning to continue doing that. When he started getting panic attacks, he found her asleep on their dad's laptop with multiple pages pulled up about how to help calm someone having a panic attack and if there was any way to stop them altogether.

She got her license before him and still made sure he was the one who got their mom's jeep. She's been to every single one of his lacrosse games and he doesn't even play most of the time. She was there for everyone after Allison died, after Erica died, and after Boyd died. She was there for him with all his nightmares.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now