Chapter 20

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"Who's Agatha Harkness?" Gerard asks.

"She's an old witch who will be able to manipulate Y/N's mind into our control," Rumlow answers him.

"How do you know this witch will be able to do anything if the last one couldn't?"

"She's different from the last one. She's a lot more powerful." Rumlow already knows the question Gerard is going to ask next.

"If she's so powerful, why couldn't she remove the block from Y/N's mind?" Gerard questions.

"You heard the other witch. The only person powerful enough to remove it is dead. I bet they were the ones who put it there in the first place." Rumlow knows that he probably should've had another witch look at the block to confirm what the first one said, but they must work quickly before the Avengers find her. He knows they now know she's alive and they have already found Peter. It's just a matter of time before they find her too. Hydra isn't as powerful as they used to be, and the Avengers have grown a lot stronger and smarter.

Gerard hums in acknowledgment, "When will she be here?"

Rumlow looks down at the watch on his wrist, "Any minute now." He looks back up to the screen in front of him where they've watched Y/N sleep for hours.

Y/N still hasn't moved from her spot on the floor. She knows she should've moved or tried to get more comfortable, but her mind blocked out everything. All the thoughts and memories running through her head eventually tired her out and caused her to fall asleep.

All she could dream about is how different her life would be if she was never taken. If she was never saved from Hydra's imprisonment. What would her life look like if she never had Stiles, her dad, or Derek in her life? Who would she be if she was still with the Avengers? Do they even know who she is? They didn't seem to know she's Y/N Stark when she met them at the hospital.

What if they do know? What then? What is she supposed to do?

The Stilinskis are her family. The McCalls are her family. Derek is her family. The pack is her family. Now, she has another family? If they know who she is, what do they expect from her? She has her memories back, but she doesn't have a lot of the Avengers. She was taken when she was so young. She's not even sure how old she was when she was taken. Her memories of them are few and far between but do they expect more from her?

What if they don't know? Should she tell them? If she tells them, they'll want her back in their lives and the same girl they had before. If she tells them, how would it affect her dad and Stiles?

But what if she doesn't tell them? They've spent the last several years thinking Y/N Stark is dead when she is very much alive. Can she really let them live the rest of their lives believing that?

As she starts to drift off again, she can hear something open behind her. Her head is telling her this is her moment to attack but she doesn't have the energy to even move her head. She hears something shooting at her as she feels a dart enter her left shoulder. It doesn't make her drowsy, but she can feel herself lose control of her limbs. She can hear several heavy footsteps getting closer to her.

"I hope you've had a good nap. You've got a long day ahead of you." Rumlow states as four Hydra soldiers lift her onto a metal stretcher they rolled into the room.

Y/N wants to say something back, but her mouth can't seem to move. She can't seem to move anything but her eyes. Her mind keeps telling her arms and legs to move but they won't. The agents wheel her out of the room and into the room she was held in previously. They push the cart into the middle of the room before walking out and leaving her alone with Rumlow.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now