Chapter 3

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It's 8:00 AM when Peter wakes up to a knock on his bedroom door.

"Yo, Spider-Boy! Get up! Breakfast is ready!" Sam's voice could be heard from outside his room. Peter groans at the sudden wake-up and tries to shield his eyes from the light filtering in from the skylight.

"You've got ten minutes, or else I'm coming back with Buck, and we'll drag your ass out of bed."

Peter listens to the retreating footsteps as he looks around for his phone. Finding it thrown on the other side of the room, he webs it over to himself and checks his messages. After answering MJ's and Ned's texts, he stares at the wall across from him while contemplating getting up or staying in bed.

Sighing, he decides getting up now is better than having to deal with his uncles later. He pulls on a fresh set of clothes before leaving toward the bathroom. Once he's done getting ready, he heads downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone else.

"There he is," Tony exclaims as Peter walks into the kitchen, "The boy has awoken!"

Peter rolls his eyes at his dad's greeting, "It's eight in the morning, and we're supposed to be on vacation."

"C'mon, P," Steve says while mixing what appears to be pancake mix, "You have all summer to sleep in. Buck and I bought groceries this morning, and your dad decided we should make a big breakfast for everyone."

"Where is everyone?" Peter asks, noticing that his dad and Steve are the only ones in the kitchen.

"Buck and Tasha are out on a run. Bruce and Thor are in the backyard cleaning the tables so we can eat outside. Wanda is in the shower, and Sam is somewhere around here."

"So, breakfast isn't done, nobody's here, and I'm up for no reason?"

"You're up because you're in charge of setting the table," Tony replies.

Peter gives Tony an annoyed look, "Why do I have to do it?"

"Because it's your job," Sam states, walking into the kitchen.

"What's your job then?"

"Looking good and being eye candy."

Peter rolls his eyes and huffs, realizing he isn't getting out of this situation. Grabbing the sheet for the table and a stack of plates, he walks out to the backyard as the others watch him go.

"Do you think he's doing okay?" Steve asks after making sure Peter is no longer inside.

"Bruce said he checked on him this morning and found him sleeping on the pull-out. We knew this was going to be hard on him, I just don't know what's going through his head. He was only six when she–" Tony pauses trying to keep his emotions in check, "um, when she was taken."

"We also don't know how much he remembers about her," Sam adds.

"He still blames himself. He might not say it out loud, but I've known Bucky long enough to know when someone's blaming themselves for something that isn't their fault," Steve says while he finishes making pancakes.

"Let's be honest, you could've said any one of our names and that statement would still apply."

"What statement?" Natasha asks as she and Bucky walk into the kitchen, sweaty from their workout.

"Nothing," Steve quickly replies.

Bucky smirks walking over to Steve, "You were talking about me, weren't you?"

"He was just saying how bad you are in bed," Sam answers looking at Bucky, "He said something about you being boring and him being unsatisfied."

A laugh escapes from Bucky at Sam's statement, "I know that's a lie. I have video proof that everything you just said is so far from the truth."

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now