Chapter 15

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"You can't be serious," Steve looks at Tony with utter disbelief. Why would he believe some strangers over him? Why would he trust some kids over him?

"It's more than anything we have!" Tony defends himself.

"These are your kids' lives at stake, and you want to run off to some random place and hope some teenager is right or isn't screwing us over?!" Steve doesn't understand why any of them trust the people who claim they're werewolves, banshees, or whatever. Yes, he's seen what Hydra did to Y/N, but how did they get their powers?

"How can you trust them?!" Bucky questions.

"I don't. I don't trust them one bit." Tony sighs and runs his hands through his hair. This whole situation is stressful. First, he finds out that the daughter who was taken from him and found dead years later is possibly still alive. Then, he finds out that Peter has been taken. Then, he finds out that his daughter is still alive, and she was taken with Peter by Hydra. Now, they must decide whether to stay and do more digging or trust the word of people he doesn't know. "I don't know them. We barely know anything about them, but I trust Y/N. If these are the people she surrounds herself with and the people she trusts, then I think we can listen to them just this once."

"How does that make any sense? You don't know Y/N either." Peter states. While he's put up this facade that he only really cares about himself, he likes Y/N, and he likes who she is for Derek. He also feels responsible for her. He hasn't always been the greatest uncle, but he's trying to get better. He also feels like he's the only one who thinks Tony is just saying these things because he plans on taking her back home with him. If he can get Stiles' trust now, maybe it will be easier to convince him he's right, or maybe they're wrong and he wants to go to prove they're wrong and prove Y/N would be better off with the Avengers.

"She's my daughter." Tony angrily states, glaring at Peter.

"You haven't known her in years." Peter points out, "She was what three, four when you last saw her."

Tony scoffs, "Seriously, who are you, and why are you here? You look a bit old to be hanging out with teenagers."

"Maybe he's just like his nephew. Maybe he also prefers underage girls." Bucky continues to glare at Derek. He hasn't stopped glaring at him since he said he is Y/N's boyfriend. He looks way too old for her, and she just turned eighteen.

Derek flicks out his claws and flashes his alpha eyes as he takes a step toward Bucky. "Whoa," Scott grabs Derek and holds him back from getting any closer to Bucky, "let's calm down and stop throwing accusations around. Let's just go get Y/N and Peter and then we can sit down and talk about everything. Okay?"

Derek continues to struggle against Scott before backing down. He's already made a mental note in his head to get back at Bucky later.

"Do you have everything you need?" Tony questions Scott. He's noticed that Scott seems to be the one in charge of the little group or "pack" as Scott had called them earlier.

"I just need to get my bat out of my jeep," Stiles states.

"Stiles, you're not going," Scott tells him firmly. He knows that he'll most likely lose this fight, but he's not going to let the sheriff lose two kids in one day. He's also not going to lose his best friend to a terrorist group.

"Why not? It's my sister that has been taken. I should be there to get her." Stiles doesn't understand why Scott suddenly doesn't want him to help. He's always been there through the hunters, the alpha pack, and the kanima. Why is this time different?

Scott sighs, "This isn't just some problem Beacon Hills has. This is a full-blown terrorist group. You constantly tell me how horrible they are! You can't just hit them with a bat and they'll go away. You could get shot and you could die. Your dad doesn't need that. You're not like us. You can't just heal and everything's okay." He knew it was a low blow to say Stiles isn't like them, but it was the only thing he could think of at the moment.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now