Chapter 31

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"I highly doubt anyone sold her out," Wanda rolls her eyes at the conversation they're having. She's getting tired of these conversations. Y/N is an adult whether they like it or not and the others keep trying to find reasons to take her out of the life she's built. "If someone did, it was probably the guy with Rumlow earlier. Stop trying to find ways to villainize her friends."

"No one is trying to villainize her friends," Bucky mutters exasperated, sitting down in front of the fireplace.

"Really? So you constantly trying to find reasons to rip her from her home by blaming her friends or her family for things that aren't their fault isn't you trying to villainize them?"

"We are her family, and her home is back in New York with us," Bucky defends.

"I never said that we weren't her family, but you need to get it through your thick skull that she has more than one family. She has completely built her life here and we can't just rip her away from it." Wanda has missed Y/N as much as everyone else, but she feels like she's the only one thinking logically right now.

When Y/N was taken and then ultimately declared dead, Wanda was completely devastated. She had built a world inside her mind that Y/N was still a part of until Vision snapped her out of it. She's so happy that they found Y/N alive, but they can't ignore the fact that she has a new life outside of them. It's like they don't understand that Y/N can have two families. They shouldn't force her to have to choose because she shouldn't have to.

"Wanda is right..." Sam speaks up from his spot on the couch where he's been curled up since they got back to the lake house. "Yes, she has a whole other family and didn't know that we existed until like a day ago but think of the alternative. She could still be in Hydra's control and who knows what they would've done to her or made her do. We all read the files. We all heard what she told Pepper. I would rather have to learn to deal with her having another family that has raised her and everything than a shell of a girl who grew up with no identity because Hydra stripped her from ever having one."

The Avengers go silent as they think about what Sam said. That's not something they had even thought about. Some of them were too focused on wanting her back and being hurt that they aren't the ones she was calling family that they ignored what could've been. Yes, she could've never been given to Hydra in the first place, but she also could've never been rescued from them either.

Most of the Avengers haven't even thought about it that way. Some of them have completely ignored how Y/N could be feeling because they've only been thinking about themselves. They are too busy trying to cover their guilt with other emotions that they haven't fully thought about everything.

Tony feels like he failed Y/N once and doesn't want to fail her again. He was the one who married Pepper. He was the one who took Y/N in with Pepper. He was the one who believed Pepper when she said she was taking her to bed. He was the one who was never able to find her. He was the one who believed she was dead and stopped looking for her. How could he do that to his daughter? All his selfish thoughts are to cover up the immense amount of guilt he feels.

He wants to take her home, but she considers Beacon Hills as her home. She doesn't consider the compound or his and Pepper's old house to be her home. He doesn't know what to do with that. Tony is so grateful that the Stilinskis took Y/N in, and they took care of her. She seems to have friends she trusts and someone who loves her. He knows it's selfish to want to take her away from the life she knows and back to the life she was supposed to have but he can't help it.

Y/N is his daughter since he took her in, and she will always be his daughter. Y/N is also now Noah Stilinski's daughter and has been since he took her in. Y/N is a Stark and a Stilinski. No matter how many times Tony wants to deny that, it's the truth.

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