Chapter 27

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Pepper is currently tied to a chair in the middle of the charred Hale house basement. The Avengers and the pack are standing around her with various looks of anger and disappointment on their faces. Noah and Deaton didn't come with them as Noah ended up getting called in and Deaton just didn't want to come.

Y/N was the only one who was there but not in the room just yet. They wanted to see if Pepper would own up to what she did before showing her that Y/N was alive because, to their knowledge, Pepper still believes Y/N is dead or with Hydra.

"I don't understand what's going on. Why are you doing this to me?" Pepper whines as she struggles against the zip ties around her wrists. Tears are falling down her face. She doesn't know if they're because she's scared or if it's something else.

She has an idea of why they have her trapped in some creepy basement but she's not going to say anything. It's the one thing she is taking to her grave. It's the one thing that she will never be able to speak of. No one can know what she did.

"Why do you think we have you down here with us?" Tony questions. He doesn't know how to feel right now. He's angry because his daughter is telling him that his ex-wife and the woman he loved with all his heart is the same person who handed her over to Hydra for them to experiment on her. He's also confused because while he does believe Y/N, he can't see Pepper as some monster who sells her kid off.

"I don't even know where here is!" Pepper exclaims frustratingly. Fury and Maria told her that something horrible had happened to Peter and she needed to see him before they had to do anything drastic. Peter has never been close to his mother, and she knows as he got older she only ever saw him because of his occasional visits to Morgan, but she was his mother and she wanted to be able to say goodbye to him if that was the case.

"It doesn't matter where we are. Why do you think we would lie to you and trap you down in a basement out in the middle of nowhere?" Tony questions her again. Even though Derek said no one would be able to hear her scream, he's hoping that they don't have to resort to torturing her. He wants her to confess her wrongdoings without any painful persuasion.

"I don't know! We haven't spoken in years and now you have randomly decided to kidnap me! You tell me why you have decided to do this!" Pepper is frustrated and angry. She's mostly just angry at herself. She knows they want her to confess to her biggest sin, but she's never been able to say it out loud. At the time, she convinced herself she was doing the right thing, but she quickly realized that she was wrong. By then it was too late to take anything back.

"You know exactly why you're here! You know exactly what you did!" Bucky yells, his emotions thick in his voice. This has hit everyone hard, but Bucky has been affected on a whole other level. They all know of the things that Hydra did to Y/N and the things they are capable of but he's the only one who was ever in Y/N's position, and he would never wish that upon his worst enemy. "You can sit there and play innocent all you want but we know what you did! We just want to hear you say it."

Pepper tries her best to not show them she's afraid right now, but they can tell from the slight nervous bouncing of her left leg. "I'm not playing anything. I haven't done anything wrong." She tries to look and sound as innocent as possible, but the others see right through her.

"I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion. Let's torture her." Peter Hale speaks up as he glares a hole into Pepper's head. The pack can tell he's just as angry as the rest of them, so they know he's not joking.

"We're not torturing her," Steve gives Peter a pointed look to let him know that he's not joking around either, "She will answer our questions whether she likes it or not, but we won't torture them out of her."

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUWhere stories live. Discover now