Chapter 29

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"Just tell me how he is," Y/N can feel herself shaking.

Melissa takes a deep breath, "We removed the arrow, but Deaton says it was laced with several different kinds of wolfsbane. We think they got into his bloodstream and it's not allowing him to heal at the rate he should be."

"Is that it? Just stitch him up and I'll put him on bed rest until he's fully healed." Y/N doesn't understand what has Melissa so nervous. When she was told she should sit down she expected the worst.

"The main problem is...we don't know when he will wake up or if he will ever wake up..."

"I-I don't understand..."

"Because of the concoction of wolfsbane that was on the arrow and the amount that got into his system, we don't know when he will wake up or if he will. Deaton doesn't have anything that can fight all of the poison off so it's up to Derek himself. Either his body fights it off or it kills him." Melissa reaches out and grips Y/N on the side of her arm to try and give her some comfort.

"How can you be sure about any of this? It's been like 20-30 minutes since we got here!" The arrow was meant for her. Derek shouldn't be on some metal table in a vet clinic dying, it should be her.

"Look, I'm just telling you what Deaton told me. I'm not an expert when it comes to werewolves, but he is. I know you trust him so that means I trust him too." Melissa calmly explains. "I'm going to head over to the hospital and pick up a few things for Derek and then I will meet you at your place. That's the best place for him to be while we wait."

"Can I finally see him?" Y/N can feel that she's on the verge of a breakdown but she's trying to hold it back.

Y/N watches as Melissa nods and moves out of her way before she rushes to Derek. As she walks back into the back room, she feels sick when her eyes land on Derek's body. Deaton is currently in the process of bandaging Derek up, but she caught a glimpse of the stitched-up wound where the arrow previously was.

Deaton looks up when he hears Y/N walk in, "I'm almost done wrapping him up then you should take him home."

"When will he wake up?" Y/N quietly asks, slowly approaching Derek's unconscious body. She knows what Melissa said but she wanted to hear it from Deaton.

"I don't know," Deaton sighs, "It's up to him to decide."

Y/N gently grabs Derek's limp hand and wraps her hands around it. She can feel her tears threatening to fall but she won't let them. She still hasn't wrapped her head around everything that happened. This is too much.

In less than a week, she's been injured by a hunting party trying to kill her, taken by a massive terrorist organization, forced to kill innocent teenagers to save another, had her hidden traumatizing memories recovered, remembered her first family, taken down Gerard and Rumlow, confronted Pepper about selling her to Hydra, and now she's being told that her boyfriend, who took a poisonous arrow for her, may or may not wake up.

This doesn't seem real. She feels like if she waits a few more minutes she will wake up from this horrible nightmare. She knows deep down that none of this is her fault, but she can't help and feel like it is. She's the one who told the others about Pepper; that's why they were at the Hale house. She's also the one who wasn't paying attention when leaving the house. If she was paying attention, maybe Derek wouldn't have gotten hurt.

Y/N was too busy staring at Derek's face that she didn't hear Stiles approach her, "I called the others and told them to go home. Peter's family just came back but I sent them back to where they're staying."

Y/N nods in acknowledgment of Stiles' words. She's sure it was probably hard for Peter and them to just go back to wherever they're staying since she just told them she knows who they are but she's glad that they did. She just wants to take Derek home and never leave until awake and fully healed. Even after that, she's not sure she'll want to leave for a long time.

The Lost Child - Derek Hale x Reader // Teen Wolf x Marvel AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora